Hello! I have this issue where if I want to read from or write to the DDR memory using the Xil_Out32 or Xil_In32 functions it just hangs abruptly after a certain address is reached. I am using a Zybo-Z20 with a Zynq-7000, and I just ran
I created a Hello World FreeRTOS project in Vitis 2023.2 which works fine with xil_printf running with FreeRTOS timers. However, when I try to initialise AXI GPIO using the Xilinx libraries supplied in the demos, it crashes on calls to Xil_Out32 and Xil_In32. However if I build the pe...
I am trying to copy the stream of data from PS(DRAM) to PL via AXI DMA and sending this data back to PS via another AXI DMA. The problem is: before the data transfer, I am writting to particular locations of DDR3 using Xil...
timeout = I2C_TIMEOUT;// put the Tx data into the Tx FIFOXil_Out32((axi_iic_baseaddr + TX_FIFO), (txCnt == txSize -1) ? (0x200| txBuf[txCnt]) : txBuf[txCnt]);while(((Xil_In32(axi_iic_baseaddr + SR) &0x80) ==0x00) && (--timeout)); txCnt++; } delay_us(I2C_...
Xil_Out32(XPAR_AXI_BRAM_CTRL_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR,0xdeadbeef); temp = Xil_In32(XPAR_AXI_BRAM_CTRL_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR); printf("address %0x is %0x\n",XPAR_AXI_BRAM_CTRL_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR,temp); temp = Xil_In32(0xa0000000); printf("address %0x is %0x\n",XPAR_AXI_BRAM_...