Xie Aige (b.1977, China) graduated from the Ceramic Design Department of Shanghai University's Academy of Fine Arts. Xie Aige was born in Changsha, Hunan. The mountains and rivers of the place generated her longing for a character that is pure and free,
Xie Aige Xie Aige是一位艺术家。参加展览
Vantaly collaborated with artist Xie Aige in creating a sculpture series titled Tai-Chi, for Hyatt Regency Tianjin East. Through her distinctive and pure artistic language, she has embodied the wisdom of Tai-chi in her sculptures that brought about a sense of tranquillity in the hotel guestrooms...
Xie Ai Ge Tree 5 - Play, 2012Bronze82 x 26 x 40 cmSOLD Intentionally causing viewers to question if the subjects are adults or children, the figures involved in their game are representatives of spritely innocence and the simplistic happiness found of child’s play. Clambering up the tree...
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