This is online map of the address "Mang He Zhen Xia Sang Lin Cun , Yangcheng County, Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, China" . 这是地址“中国山西省晋城市阳城县蟒河镇下桑林村”匹配的在线电子地图。 2. The extraction of ursolic acid from Xia-Sang-Ju and its reliability 夏...
Adversarial Attacks and Defenses of Image Classifiers, NIPS 2017 competition track - sangxia/nips-2017-adversarial
Xiasangju (XSJ) is a marketed drug and dietary supplement used for the treatment of metabolic disease with anti-inflammatory activity. This study investigated the therapeutic effects of XSJ and the underlying mechanisms affecting the activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in MetS....
朴仁焕 / 金智英 / 裴侑蓝 / 姜其永 / 李东辉 / 金钟求 / 金姜贤 / 吴熙俊 / 朱宝菲 / 吴侑珍 / 李华静 / 朴成日 / 尹海彬 / 李灿俞 / 李朗瑞 / 金嫝勋 / 金泰律 / 裴海善 / 金景龙 / 黄孝恩 / 韩国 / 李相槿 / 103分钟 / 极限逃生 / 喜剧 / 动作 / 灾难 / 李尚根 Sang-geun Lee / ...
Xia Sang Ju (XSJ) granule, a Chinese drug and herbal tea made up of Prunellae spica (Xia Ku Cao), Mori folium (Sang Ye), and Flos Chrysanthemi Indici (Ye Ju Hua), is commonly used for fever, headache, and sore throat. The underlying pharmacological mecha
An ultrasonic extracting technology for the Chinese medicine í‹XiasangjuíŒ to clear liver and improve vision includes such steps as loading prunella spike, mulberry leaf and wild chrysanthemum flower in ultrasonic extracting tank, adding water or alcohol, ultrasonic extracting, filtering, and ...
网络释义 1. 夏桑菊颗粒 夏桑菊,Xiasangju,音标,读音,翻... ... ) Xiasangju 夏桑菊 ) Xiasangju Granules 夏桑菊颗粒 ) Xia-song-ju granule 夏桑菊冲剂 ...|基于3个网页 必应词典应用 准确权威无广告去官网了解更多 下载手机版必应词典 iOS Windows Phone Android 体验P C 版必应...
a夏桑菊”主要含三种中药成分,即夏枯草、桑叶、菊花。它的作用包括:清肝明目,疏风散热,除湿痹,解疮毒。主要用于风热表证、目赤肿痛、咽喉肿痛,高血压引起的头晕耳鸣和疖疮肿毒等病症。 Xia Sangju” mainly contains three kind of Chinese native medicine ingredients, namely prunella vulgaris, mulberry leaf, chry...
商标名称 XIASANGJU 国际分类 第30类-方便食品 商标状态 变更商标申请人/注册人名义/地址 申请/注册号 13171238 申请日期 2013-09-02 申请人名称(中文) 重庆长龙实业(集团)有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 重庆市渝北区农业园区石盘河片区B09-1/02号地块 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - ...