Xiaomi Watch 2 Pro 佩戴舒適,給予您全新智能體驗。以 Wear OS 裝置下載您喜愛的應用程式,使用 LTE 解鎖更高層次的連接功能,每次佩戴都能了解更多關於自身的健康和健身資訊。 *只適用於Android 作業系統 在腕上直接存取 Google 應用程式 由Snapdragon® W5+ Gen 1 平台驅動 ...
Wear OS by Google 讓您即時掌握最新動態。在 Xiaomi Watch 2 上取得您最愛的 Google 應用程式。使用 Google 地圖導航、使用 Google Pay 付款,透過 Google 助理獲得解答,以及使用更多功能。 內容豐富多樣 Google Play 可讓您從 Xiaomi Watch 隨時隨地存取應用程式和錶面。 結帳速度更快 Google Pay 是使用手錶在商...
Xiaomi Watch 2 Pro 不僅讓您佩戴時舒適自在,更能一手掌握全新智慧體驗。除了使用 Wear OS 裝置下載您最愛的應用程式,還可透過 LTE 運用全新等級的連線能力,並能進一步瞭解您每次佩戴時的健康和體適能狀況。 一手掌握 Google 應用程式的強大功能 搭載Snapdragon® W5+ Gen 1 平台 ...
Xiaomi Watch S3 從傳統手錶汲取靈感,以頂級物料打造,質感精緻宜人,每一種設計都展現非凡格調。 安裝後,錶圈可自動切換專屬錶盤,搭配動態音效。感覺就如觸動精密機關,體驗無可比擬。 Clous de Paris* 錶圈飾以 Clous de Paris 設計,匠心獨運,呈現矩陣佈局,形成璀璨光流。 *Clous de Paris 設計僅適用於零售版 Xi...
Made of high-end stainless steel, the bezel is resistant to wear and corrosion. Crafted using a distinctive circular wire-drawing technique, every move you make reveals the watch's profound luster. The restrained chrome blue base adds calm and elegance. ...
Xiaomi Watch 2 Pro - Wear OS by Google, Powered by the Snapdragon® W5+ Gen 1 Platform, Advanced health and workout tracking, 5-system dual-band GNSS, 1.43
Whether enjoy cool splashes in shallow water or snorkelling, you can wear your watch all the time. 5 ATM water resistance rating*, making daily wear more worry-free. Blood oxygen saturation detection Know more about your physical condition ...
Enjoy thousands of free and premium watch faces for all Apple Watch, WearOS, Tizen, and RTOS smartwatches including Galaxy Watch, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Fossil, VEE Wear watches, ane and more!
Watch-grade linear motor. 20 unique vibration modes. Alarm settings Weather updates Focus To-do list System compatibility function reference Compatible with Android phones: Android 8.0 and above Compatible with iOS phones: iOS 12.0 and above
5 ATMWater resistance*Wearable in the shower and pool. You can even wear it while using any of the 10 water sports modes on the watch. Previous Next 1 2 3 Flaunt the way you want3.94 cm HD Edge DisplayGet more details displayed and a bigger screen-to-body ratio, with 25% more scree...