極緻纖薄設計 | 優雅時尚 支援 Dolby Vision® | 90Hz AMOLED 極緻輕量 極舒適手握感 158 g輕量羽毛般輕盈 極致舒適體驗 6.81 mm纖薄便利便攜 輕易隨身攜帶 細微之處 盡享優雅設計 耀目光環設計環繞主鏡頭的光環為設計增添魅力元素。 優質防眩光磨砂玻璃啞光飾面可最大限度減少指紋,令手機保持簇新外觀。
Show Your StyleMi 11 LiteFeatherweight design | Elegant and sleek Ultra-light weight Ultra-comfortable grip 157g LightConvenient and portable, carry it around with ease. 6.81mm SlimThin and light, ultra-comfortable feel. Super thin design, exquisite craftsmanship.Curved side fingerprint sensorThe fin...
Show Your StyleMi 11 LiteFeather-weight design | Elegant and sleek Ultra-light weightUltra-comfortable grip 157g LightConvenient and portable,carry it around with ease. 6.99mm SlimThin and lightultra-comfortable feel. Super thin designexquisite craftsmanshipNear-flat camera moduleThe camera module onl...
* 4250mAh 是指 Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE 電池容量的典型值。 *本頁有關充電及電池使用時間的數據來自小米實驗室。實際性能可能會因軟件版本、特定測試環境和手機型號而有所差異。本頁顯示的所有比較結果僅為小米產品。 *本頁所有與典型手機的比較,均指典型小米手機;除非本產品頁面另有說明,否則所有數據均來自小米實...
Near-flat camera moduleThe camera module only protrudes 1.77mm from the rest of the body. 1.88mm slim bezelsSymmetrical and super slim side and top bezels with a width of mere 1.88mm. A display without compromisesExplore the world in great clarity through the screen. ...
Mi 11 Lite 5G is equipped with Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 780G reach maximum speed, ultra-light ultra-comfortable handle,6.55-inch AMOLED DotDisplay make your experience better.
Show Your StyleMi 11 LiteFeatherweight design | Elegant and sleek Ultra-light weight Ultra-comfortable grip 157g LightConvenient and portable, carry it around with ease. 6.81mm SlimThin and light, ultra-comfortable feel. Super thin design, exquisite craftsmanship.Curved side fingerprint sensorThe fin...
Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE Featherweight design brings you ultra-light weight and ultra-comfortable experience,Equipped with6.55 FHD+AMOLED Display,33W fast charging.
Show Your StyleMi 11 LiteFeather-weight design | Elegant and sleek Ultra-light weight Ultra-comfortable grip 157g LightConvenient and portable, carry it around with ease. 6.99mm SlimThin and light ultra-comfortable feel. Super thin design ...
Mi 11 LiteLite & Loaded 157g Ultra-Light 6.8mm Super-Slim 16.63cm (6.55) 90Hz 10-bit AMOLED Display 64MP Triple Camera 23 Director Modes Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 732G 4250mAh All-Day Battery Previous Next 1 2 3 Vinyl Black Slimmest & Lightest ...