执行如下操作 可以关闭selinux,即设置为permissive 可以执行iptables命令配置防火墙 可以执行sysctl命令修改内核参数 可以读写 /data/local/tmp 使用方法 boot.img 使用fastboot刷入, 命令 fastboot flash boot boot.img update.zip 使用recovery刷入 只使用其中一个即可 此内 分享41赞 小米吧 太子爺D miflash一直不...
Now you can press theCustom Firmware ver x.xbutton to directly flash the custom firmware. Alternatively you can choose a specific firmware binary (i.e. the original firmware) via the file chooser PressStart Flashing. UseTelinkOTAto flash old or alternative versions (ATC1441). This is a progr...
“Flash all except storage” and “Flash all except data and storage”. If you want to wipe everything in your phone and do a clean flash choose first one, if you want to keep your data in your storage (like pictures or What’s Up folder etc), choose second one. When...
The very name of the utility describes: TLSR825x USB-COM Flash Writer v0.4 (TX-SWS only!) :) The picture is from another version of the programmer - https://github.com/pvvx/TlsrComSwireWriter - does not work on FTDI chips! Comment edited: Fixed a link error.Vonal...
I bought a Xiaomi Mi Note LTE (Dual Sim) from China recently but cannot use LTE 4G in the UK. It turned out that Mi Note LTE (Dual Sim) support LTE B3...
“This MIUI can’t be installed on this device”). The same story extends to MediaTek-based devices too — MediaTek utilized a special SP Flash Tool for flashing images, but on Xiaomi-MediaTek devices, you cannot flash images using SP Flash Tool since you still need an authorized Mi ...
I just flash my 4AG from openwrt back to factory image via TFTP server, failed on v3.0.24 (File too large! / Header check error! / Image verify failed! / ===Upgrade fail!=== ). but success on v2.28.69, then use OpenWRTInvasion OK!54 hidden items...
the flash image layout is: backup.zip @P3runhello, i cannot give you the full dump, because there is some private data in some sections (config, factory) i will give you the rest of them and you need to reconstruct the image with your private sections ...