Step 9:Connect your Xiaomi phone to your PC to download the required driver. Make sure that your smartphone is in fastboot mode during the process. After establishing the connection, the "Phone Connected" status will display on the screen. ...
I'm a Windows user, had the common issue of unrecognizable device in fastboot. Flashed a live boot Linux USB drive with Solus OS, got XiaoMiToolV2 working and all, did all theudevshenanigans to allow device access permissions, and got stuck on the same issue. Seeing as this is happening ...
- [```Sürücüler (driverlar)```]( ### Windows'u kurmaya başlamak için recovery'e boot edin ```cmd fastboot boot <recovery.img> ``` ### msc çalıştırın > Sizden komutu bir...
Mi Flash Tool 2017 and up supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11. You may have to unlock bootloader in order to flash fastboot ROM files. (Depends on the situation) The Mi Flash Pro misses the ability to flash OTA files and MIUI...
7.After that, turn off your phone and boot into fastboot mode by pressing the Power button and Volume down(-) button at the same time. 8.Now connect your device to the Windows PC/laptop with a USB cable 9. Open the Mi unlock tool folder you extracted in Step 2 and openmiflash_unlo...
Download Xiaomi Flash tool is for Xiaomi smartphone and tablet device users that runs on Windows PC platforms to flash fastboot firmware files on Xiaomi smartphones. All versions of Xiaomi Mi Flash Tool download is available here
Download Xiaomi Flash tool is for Xiaomi smartphone and tablet device users that runs on Windows PC platforms to flash fastboot firmware files on Xiaomi smartphones. All versions of Xiaomi Mi Flash Tool download is available here
解压下载的fastboot版本的rom包,文件的后缀应该为.zip; 重启小米12到fastboot模式(连接USB到电脑;关机后,按住关机键和音量下键); 使用脚本安装(会格式化手机!!!): 对于Windows - windows_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.bat 对于linux和mac,如上 ...
Step 1: Download the correct Xiaomi Fastboot ROM on your Windows PC, double-check to make sure that you have downloaded the correct one to match your device. Then unzip it. Step 2: Download the free MiFlash flash tool on your computer and unzip it, then install it. ...
File Name: File Size: 4.65 GB Flash Tool: SP Flash Tool for Windows | SP Flash Tool for Linux How to Flash (install): Follow Tutorial Mirror 1 (Free)Mirror 2 (Paid)File...