小活络丹的功效与作用 搜风祛湿,豁痰逐瘀,温经通络。 小活络丹主治 中风手足麻木不仁,日久不愈,经络中有湿痰瘀血,腿、臂间有痛点,或因寒湿之邪留滞经络,四肢筋骨疼痛;或痛处游走不定。 共研细末,制成丸剂。每服3克,日服2次,空腹陈酒送服。
( xiaohuoluodan ) 小活络丹《北京市中药成方选集》 主治:舒筋活络,散风止痛。治风湿痹痛,麻木不仁,四肢瘦痛,半身不遂。 处方:川乌(炙)45克草乌(炙)45克当归30克川芎30克白芍15克乳香(炙)22.5克没药(炙)22.5克地龙肉22.5克香附(醋炙)30克胆星45克 ...
小活络丹 《医方论》小活络丹 川乌(炮去脐皮)草乌(炮去皮)胆星六两地龙(洗焙干)乳香(去油)没药(另研)三两三钱 酒丸。 药力颇峻,果有顽痰、死血则可用。若寒湿流筋及血不养筋者,不可误投。 活络丹 方剂主治
Huo-Luo-Xiao-Ling Dan (HLXL) represents an herbal mixture comprised of 11 components that has been used in TCM for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases (Lao et al., 2006). However, the immunological basis of the anti-inflammatory activity of HLXL remains to be determined. In ...
To examine the efficacy and safety of Huo-Luo-Xiao-Ling (HLXL)-Dan, a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Design A multi-site, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II dose-escalation clinical trial was conducted. Eligible patients who ...
Immunosuppressive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of Xiao Huo Luo Dan(pill)Pan, JQXiao, LYZhang, DJ. Q. Pan, L. Y. Xiao, D. Zhang et al., "Immunosuppressive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of Xiao Huo Luo Dan(pill)," Guangdong Pharmaceutical, vol...
Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan (HLXL) Inflammation Hyperalgesia Rat Model Adverse Effects Anti-inflammatory Activity of CML-1: An Herbal Formulation Hyun-Ae Eum, Woo-Yong Lee, Sung-Ho Kim, Joo-Young Kim, Sang-Won Park, Jun-Seok Lee, Sun-Mi Choi, ...
方剂类型:解表剂、清热剂、泻下剂、祛风湿剂、祛湿利水剂、温里剂、理气剂、消导剂、驱虫剂、止血剂、活血剂、化痰止咳平喘剂、安神剂、熄风剂、开窍剂、补益剂、固涩剂。 方剂剂型:汤剂、丸剂、散剂、膏剂、丹剂、酒剂、药酒、冲剂、口服液剂、胶囊剂、片剂 【摘录】《慈椿光绪医方选议》 ▼ 相关方剂 ▲ ...
摘要 目的:评价甲型H1N1流感疫苗在大规模人群预防接种中的安全性.rn 方法:对接种后不良反应病例进行描述性分析.rn 结果:北京市2009年9-12月接种210万余人,共报告321例不良反应,与疫苗相关的异常反应、一般反应报告发生率分别为5.54/10万、9.65/10万;严重异常反应报告率为0.19/10万.117例异常反应中主要临床诊断为...
To examine the efficacy and safety of Huo-Luo-Xiao-Ling (HLXL)-Dan, a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). A multi-site, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II dose-escalation clinical trial was conducted. Eligible patients who fulfilled...