例如,文的学生,文的学生,只需要在只需要在Google Scholar Google Scholar 搜索框中输入“ “RAPD” RAPD” 就可以获得与信息技术相关的原始研究文献、 文就可以获得与信息技术相关的原始研究文献、 文章以及书籍的列表章以及书籍的列表。 。可以帮助快速寻找可以帮助快速寻找Google 学术搜索学术搜索1供中国用户更方便地...
Dr. Chen has published over 1000 peer-reviewed papers (H-index >190, total citations > 130,000 based on google scholar) and numerous books and book chapters. He is the founding editor of journal “Theranostics” (IF = 12.4 based 2023 Journal Citation Report). He was elected as AIMBE ...
在国际一流学术会议和重要期刊上发表论文逾200篇,Google Scholar论文引用逾2.8万次。带领团队研制发布了全球第一个中文慕课平台“学堂在线”,为发展我国在线教育事业做出了贡献。曾获“全国优秀科技工作者”、“首都市民学习之星”、“清华大学良师益友”等荣誉。 “刘冰奖” 于2011年刘冰同志九十岁诞辰之际设立,旨在...
关于 I am currently a researcher at Social Computing Group in Microsoft Research Asia. I received my Ph.D. and B.S. degrees both from the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University in 2021 and 2016, respectively. My research interest is Natural Language Generation (NLG...
About I am currently a researcher at Social Computing Group in Microsoft Research Asia. I received my Ph.D. and B.S. degrees both from the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University in 2021 and 2016, respectively. My research interest is Natural Language Generation (NL...
Google Scholar/Twitter News. HEAL workshop is coming back for CHI 2025! The submission deadline is Feb 17th AOE.[Link] About. I am an Assistant Professor in Computer Science atJohns Hopkins University. I completed my Ph.D in Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. ...
Google Scholar [6] 杨志平.新疆巴里坤县八墙子一带金铜成矿规律分析及找矿方向[J].华北国土资源, 2011, (2):4-6. Google Scholar [7] 赵同阳, 陈朝忠, 姜杰岩, 等.新疆巴里坤县八墙子一带金、铜成矿规律分析及找矿方向[J].西北地质, 2011, 44(1):20-27. Google Scholar [8] 周兵...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Yuan, S.X.; Tang, G.L.; Xiong, H.X.; Chen, J.; Yin, X.L.; Huang, G.Q. Area Estimation and Distribution Analysis of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands at Regional Scale–Take Guangzhou City for Example. IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci....
Google Scholar引用超6000次。 ###3.代表性国际刊物与会议 ###3.1 国际期刊 ACM TOCHI 全称是ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction,CCF(中国计算机学会)推荐A类顶级刊物。 IJHCS 全称是International Journal of Human Computer Studies,CCF推荐A类顶级期刊。 CSCW 全称是Computer Supported Cooperative Work,CC...
Jiang Xiaoyuan (ed.), History of Science in the Multiculture: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2005, 420 pp. As indicated by the title, this vol...