GinSen's Xiao Yao Tang Quality GinSen natural ingredients are sourced from a prestige herbal manufacturer. Each herbal ingredient is tested regularly and certified for stability and COA (Certificate of Analysis) GNP Standard. The concentration rate is 7:1. For our supplement we chose extract of ...
Thus, we speculate that these active ingredients are responsible for the therapeutic action of XKY. Taken together, our data indicate that XKY is a reliable treatment strategy that effectively downregulates FBG levels, improves IR, reduces liver lipid accumulation, decreases both hepatic and serum ...
In their research, one of the XQLT ingredients, Pinellaiae ternata, played an important role in decreasing OVA-specific IgE. Lee et al. [37] and Shin et al. [38] also provided data that Pinellaiae ternata might play a definite role in decreasing Th2 reaction in asthmatic animal models...
Premium Quality Xiao Yao Wan Granules, Vegan Friendly and Extracted Using only Purified Water. Lab Tested and Effective Traditional Chinese Medicine produced by Tianjiang. Formula Category: Harmonize & Regulate, Women's Health Essentials. We pride oursel
Cell-based screening identifies the active ingredients from Traditional Chinese Medicine formula Shixiao San as the inhibitors of atherosclerotic endothelial dysfunction 2015, PLoS ONE View all citing articles on Scopus Peer review under responsibility of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University Download: Download fu...
Ingredients A proprietary blend of Chinese herbs: English NameLatinPinyin Dong quai root Angelica sinensis Dang Gui Rehmannia root tuber Rehmannia glutinosa Di Huang Siler root Saposhnikovia divaricata Fang Feng Cicada skin Chan Tui Anemarrhena rhizome Anemarrhena asphodeloides Zhi Mu Shrubby sophora root ...
没药Myrrh oleo-gum-resinMo Yao 乳香Frankincense oleo-gum-resinRu Xiang 甘草Chinese licorice root & rhizomeGan Cao Preparation 不包衣以便更快吸收 圆丸便于吞咽 由100%纯天然中药制成。每味中药都经真品检定,质量上乘。传统水合煎翠取中药精华,专门工艺浓缩和压片。每一片都易于服用,易于吸收,功效显著而安全...
Xiao-Yao-San (XYS) is a commonly used formula in clinical practice for treating depression. However, it remains unclear whether XYS has a modulating effect on the inflammatory response associated with depression. The objective of this study was to examine the role and mechanism of XYS in ...