Xiao-qing-long tang (XQLT), or sho-seiryo-to by its Japanese name, is one of the Chinese herbal medicines used to treat bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis for centuries. However, the therapeutic mechanisms of this medication are still far from clear. In this study, a house-dust-mite...
This study investigates the effect of Xiao-Qing-Long-Tang (XQLT) on neurotrophin in an established mouse model of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p)-induced acute allergic asthma and in a LA4 cell line model of lung adenoma. The effects of XQLT on the regulation of nerve growth factor (...
3.Objective To investigate whether thromboxane A2 (TXA2) participate in the lung injury and evaluate the efficacy of Xiao-qing-long-tang, a multiple ingredients herb, on the lung injury induced with oleic acid in guinea-pigs.目的探讨血栓素A2(TXA2)在油酸致豚鼠急性肺损伤中的作用,同时观察小青龙汤...
Application of Synchrotron Based In Situ X-ray Techniques to the Study of Lithium-ion Batteries for HEV, PHEV, and EV, Xiao-Qing Yang, Brookhaven National Lab 热度: 大学VB考试系统部分题库_xiao 热度: MinorGreenDragon Decoction (XiaoQinglongTang) ...
3) xiao qing long decoction addition 加味小青龙汤 例句>> 4) Xiao-qing-long-tang 小青龙汤 1. Preventive effect ofXiao-qing-long-tangon the hypoxemia induced by oleic acid in guinea-pigs; 小青龙汤对油酸致豚鼠急性肺损伤低氧血症的预防作用 ...
1看拼音,写字词。huang tang xiao huizheng long!háojieli ming()()()()()jiu cháncheng foá:xiétiao yǒuxùxián ging yi zhi()()()()ling:)珑凋()()晨(、)听烈士()园 相关知识点: 基础积累与运用 汉字 字形 汉字书写 书写正确 试题来源: ...
看拼音写词语dian tang xiao huiqi qu man qiang chou hen tido wang()gui bǎohuf jingiing long ti touting tai lou ge)(玲珑剔透亭台楼阁把下面词语补充完整。【题目】达人帮忙看看,这题的详细解题过程,感谢看拼音写词语diantang xido huI qf qu man qiang chou hen tido wang()(gur baohuf jiniing ...
苏宁易购为您提供名校堂(ming xiao tang)G5益智玩具和QUNLONG 兼容乐高积木益智拼装玩具军事飞机坦克模型男女孩儿童塑料6-14岁 特警战队运输直升机套装【1351颗粒】参数对比,让您了解名校堂(ming xiao tang)G5益智玩具和QUNLONG 兼容乐高积木益智拼装玩具军事飞机坦克模型
J Ethnopharmacol 274:114016; https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2021.114016 In vitro-Versuche zeigten, dass Ex- trakte aus Artemisia annua (qing hao), der Pflanze, aus der die Malaria-Mit- tel Artemisinin, Artesunat und Arte- mether gewonnen werden, das Virus SARS-Co...