xianghui中文含义解释:下表包含 xianghui 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。共查找到拼音“xianghui组词语” 13 个 乡会 xiāng huì ⒈ 旧时在京同乡官吏及文人的集会。[查看详情] 1 香灰 xiāng huī ⒈ 香燃烧后剩下的灰。特指旧时祭祀祖先或神佛烧香剩余的灰。[查看详情] 2 香会 xiāng huì ⒈...
词典xianghui xianghuixiāng huī香灰 xiàng huì象喙 xiāng huì香会 xiáng huí翔回 xiàng huì向晦 xiáng huī祥晖 xiǎng huì享会 xiāng huì乡会 xiāng huì相会 xiáng huī祥辉 xiāng huī相徽 xiǎng huì飨会 xiāng huì香蕙xianghui xianghui有哪些 词语词典在线查询:xianghui 共有13个 ...
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Brand nameXianghui StyleFashion Detailed Photos Company Profile Q1:Can i put my own brand logo/trademark on the items? A:Sure, We can customize it according to your requirements. Please send your logo to us to check first, and tell us the size and position of the ...
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地址(在哪里):湘汇概念铁板烧xianghui concept(万达广场店)位于盘锦市兴隆台区友谊街万达广场3楼介绍:标签: 餐馆 餐饮 日本菜 外国菜 日式铁板烧 餐厅 中餐 推荐菜: 黑椒牛排 铜锣烧 串烧孜然鱿鱼电话:评论(怎么样,怎样,好不好,口碑): 用户**:到盘锦没想到来吃辽宁铁板烧,假期来的,万达里人很多,这家不...
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The check-in time at Xianghui International Hotel is 08:00 and the check-out time is 14:00. Are pets allowed at Xianghui International Hotel?No, pets are not allowed at Xianghui International Hotel. How much does it cost to stay at Xianghui International Hotel?Prices at Xianghui ...