thexhr_streamingtransport starts an infinite loop: it tries to connect to the server, then SockJS server (not the app logic) immediately closes that connection with the code/reason provided in the step 2, and, after that,xhr_streamingattempts to connect again, and so on:...
Hi, I already posted this question on Stackoverflow on May 31, but didn't receive any answer, so I decided to create an Issue in hope you can help me. What I expect Zuul to do Keep a xhr_streaming connection alive and receive the heartbe...
Spring Cloud Zuul是一个用于构建基于微服务架构的API网关的开源项目。它作为服务网关,可以将所有的请求路由到相应的微服务,同时还提供了诸如安全、负载均衡、限流等功能。在微服务架构中,使用Zuul作为API网关可以帮助简化服务之间的通信,增强服务的可靠性和可维护性。本...
而且我对WS的理解很明显,您的服务器正在与协商一项连接--根本没有心跳:heart-beat 0,0。
Streaming XHR cache control Article 11/05/2015 In Internet Explorer 11 you have more control over whether or not data you download using XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is written to the disk, or cached, before it's passed to the video control using the msCaching attribute....
Streaming XHR cache control 项目 2015/11/05 In Internet Explorer 11 you have more control over whether or not data you download using XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is written to the disk, or cached, before it's passed to the video control using the msCaching attribute....
we are using sockjs-client version 1.1.2. our backend written in java with spring 4 the socket is working and delivering all our messages but chrome page crashes after several minutes. we are encountering a batch of xhr_streaming traffic...
This has been a recurring issue I've faced in a few video.js implementations. I do hope that I'm not misunderstanding the intended usage of player.on('xhr-hooks-ready', ...) and when it should be called. From my understanding of the video.js & http-streaming docs sho...