Why XGIMI MoGo 3 Pro Is A Must-have Small Outdoor Projector? (Information from XGIMI Global) The new arrival XGIMI MoGo 3 Pro small outdoor projector with coffee cup size is one of the best portab... Read more XGIMI Halo+ VS Halo+ (New) 1080P Full HD Projector, What's the Differen...
Whether you’re at home or on the move, this small and stylish portable projector from XGIMI provides large screen entertainment without the hassle. With its cylindrical form, you can easily swivel the MoGo 3 Pro on its base to display Full HD HDR images on any surface, from the floor to...
圣诞“视”界:MoGo 3 Pro性能不简单 MoGo 3 Pro是本次特别版套装的核心。小巧便携的机身仅重1.1千克,却拥有令人惊艳的性能表现:1080p全高清分辨率搭配90% DCI-P3色域,让色彩鲜艳通透,节日经典、家庭电影甚至现场体育比赛,都能呈现栩栩如生的视觉效果。而450 ISO流明的亮度即使在灯光较暗的环境中,也能保证...
MoGo 3 Pro Google TV投影機:重新定義便攜式娛樂 榮獲EISA大獎的MoGo 3 Pro採用創新的多角度底座支架設計,僅重2.43磅,相當於一個咖啡杯的大小,重新定義了便攜式投影。作為XGIMI的首款Google TV投影機,支援原生Netflix和10,000個其他流行的流媒體應用程式,其USB Type-C端口可確保在戶外時使用的便攜性。多角度底座...
首页 › 活动 › 回顾 › IFA2024:XGIMI极米科技,全球排名TOP的家庭智能投影品牌,本次展会上带来了新品极米Mogo 3 Pro的详细介绍IFA2024:XGIMI极米科技,全球排名TOP的家庭智能投影品牌,本次展会上带来了新品极米Mogo 3 Pro的详细介绍video 29 9 月, 2024回顾 ...
Whether you’re at home or on the move, this small and stylish portable projector from XGIMI provides large screen entertainment without the hassle. With its cylindrical form, you can easily swivel the MoGo 3 Pro on its base to display Full HD HDR images on any surface, from the floor to...
The EISA award-winning MoGo 3 Pro redefines portable projection with its innovative multi-angle base stand design, weighing just 2.43 lbs—about the size of a coffee cup. As XGIMI's first Google TV projector, it supports native Netflix and other popular streaming apps, while its USB Type-C...
00:00/00:00 IFA2024:XGIMI极米科技,全球排名TOP的家庭智能投影品牌 我爱音频网发布于:广东省2024.09.29 18:47 +1 首赞 IFA2024:XGIMI极米科技,全球排名TOP的家庭智能投影品牌,本次展会上带来了新品极米Mogo 3 Pro的详细介绍
极米的产品线丰富多样,涵盖了家用、便携、商务等多个领域。其中,极米Mogo 3 Pro、Elfin Flip、AURA 2以及HORIZON S系列等新品,凭借其时尚的外观设计、先进的投影技术和强大的性能表现,受到了消费者的热烈欢迎。这些产品不仅支持高清画质投影,还具备智能语音控制、自动梯形校正等便捷功能,大大提升了...
除了Aura 2外,Xgimi还推出了便携式投影仪MoGo 3 Pro。该款投影仪采用全新的旋转设计,重约2.43磅,内置LED光源,能产生450 ISO流明亮度的1080p图像。MoGo 3 Pro支持通过Google TV访问Netflix等流媒体应用,并可通过micro HDMI端口连接其他设备。虽然本身没有内置电池,但可通过便携充电器或Xgimi推出的Powerbase支架...