and Harvey – XG dropped their debut single “Tippy Toes” in March 2022. The same year in June, they delivered their second all English-language single titled “Mascara.” Earlier in 2023, their third single “Shooting Star” dropped, along with its music video and an additional song, “L...
“Shooting Star” and “Left Right” elevated XG (short for “Xtraordinary Girls”) ahead of their first mini-album, last year’s New DNA, and after a handful of stopgap singles in 2024, “Something Ain’t Right” announces the invigoration next iteration of the group’s identity. The ...
SOMETHING AIN'T RIGHT (Official Music Video) XGALX_XG 03:28 XG - SHOOTING STAR (Choreography) XGALX_XG 11:14 “迷幻彩虹糖” XG SOMETHING AIN'T RIGHT 日本舞台 240822 XG女团搬运工 03:44 哔哩哔哩晚会 03:33 XG - PUPPET SHOW (练习室舞蹈版) XGALX_XG 03:07...