这里是包装底部的一张贴纸,之所以拍下来是因为上面写了电源要求,本评测的主角黑狼进化对应的应该是580 GTR,需要500W电源和8+6pin供电口,下面那个GTS/RS应该是黑狼版,而上面那个需要550W电源的GTR-S应该是更高端的黑狼深红版了。但这只是官方给的建议,具体功耗如何我们后面会测试。 细节集锦 配件一览,除了说明书和光...
So I just got an XFX rx 580 8gb GTR (the one with white LED fans), card runs fine and temps are as expected (I did research before buying). My questions is, is it normal, is it some power feature of this specific model or rx 580's in general to keep default core clocks at ...
I'm having issue with my XFX RX580 8GB and CSM(Compatibility Support Module) disabled. This results in my screen getting artifacts during POST screen only. I am still able to boot right in to Windows perfectly. I suspect there is an UEFI issue with the VBIOS. The card is functioning pe...
XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS Black Edition 1405 MHz OC+, 8GB 256-bit GDDR5, DX12 VR Ready, Double Dissipation, Dual BIOS, PCI-E AMD Graphics Card (RX-580P828D6) (223)(3) Write a Review 8GB 256-Bit GDDR5 Core Clock 1405 MHz (OC+ Capable Clock) 1386 MHz (XFX True Clock) 1 x...
如操作成功,则最后一行返回信息为:Restart System To Complete VBIOS Update.如下图,接着关闭刷新窗口重启电脑即可: 刷新修改过的显卡bios 至此,全部工作结束,经试验,使用gopupd工具中这个修改过的名为amd_gop_mod.efirom模块替换我的RX580原gop模块,即可正常使用纯uefi模式启动系统(关闭CSM),在启动过程中始终有图像...
I installed a XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS XXX and plugged it in. Everything works great at lower resolutions @ 60hz nut if I try playing a game at 4k 60hz the screen will turn black off and on. There is also a popping noise (I think from speakers) when it goes black. I am brand ...
XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS Black Edition 8GB现价$189.99,蓝宝RX580超白金现价$199.99,现在入手还送恶魔可以哭泣5、生化危机2重置和全境封锁2哦!O网页链接期待已久的正统鬼泣5将在3月7日正式推出,现在已经可以预载啦,近期攥机需要1080P单机游戏卡的同学可以考虑这两款580哦,性价比出色,送的游戏也一个比一个好玩!
XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS Black Edition 1425MHz OC+, 8GB GDDR5, VR Ready, Dual BIOS, 3xDP HDMI DVI, AMD Graphics Card (RX-580P8DBD6) (Renewed) $106.67 current price $106.67 XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS Black Edition 1425MHz OC+, 8GB GDDR5, VR Ready, Dual BIOS, 3xDP HDMI DVI, AMD Gr...
XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS Black Edition 8GB 显卡$189.99(约1310.59元)什么值得买甄选出美国新蛋优惠促销商品,包括XFX/讯景显卡报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
讯景的RX 580小体积短卡,拥有着轻便的小体积与较高的频率。双风扇设计散热很靠谱,1366/7000MHz-1386/7100MHz的频率规格还不错了。双风扇散热也算靠谱,性价比还是不错的。8GB GDDR5的黑狼版本,基本算得上是中高端显卡里受欢迎的一个配置了。 规格查看更多 ...