resize2fs支持ext2/ext3/ext4文件系统,而xfs_growfs只支持xfs文件系统。 PS:resize2fs、xfs_growfs命令都适用案例一和案例二都属于文件系统扩容,两者在使用的工具和步骤上有所不同。 案例一使用resize2fs命令直接修改已格式化分区的超级块,而案例二使用xfs_growfs命令先将额外的物理空间添加到LVM逻辑卷中,然后再更新文件...
2. 确认xfs_growfs命令的路径是否在环境变量中 如果xfs_growfs已安装,但系统仍报告找不到命令,可能是因为其路径没有包含在环境变量PATH中。你可以通过which命令查找xfs_growfs的路径: bash which xfs_growfs 如果命令未返回路径,则可能需要手动查找或确认xfs_growfs的安装位置。你可以使用find命令在系统中搜索: ...
UNIX命令xfs_growfs NAME xfs_growfs, xfs_info ? expand an XFS ?lesystem SYNOPSIS xfs_growfs[?dilnrxV][?D size][?e rtextsize][?L size][?m maxpct][?t mtab][?R size] mount-point xfs_info[?t mtab]mount-point DESCRIPTION xfs_growfs expands an existing XFS ?lesystem (see xfs(5))...
UNIX命令xfs_growfs 系统标签: growfsxfsunix命令lesystemmtab xfs_growfs(8)xfs_growfs(8) NAME xfs_growfs,xfs_info−expandanXFSfilesystem SYNOPSIS xfs_growfs[−dilnrxV][−Dsize][−ertextsize][−Lsize][−mmaxpct][−tmtab][−Rsize] mount-point xfs_info[−tmtab]mount-point DE...
xfs_dbcommands may be run interactively (the default) or as arguments on the command line. Multiple-carguments may be given. The commands are run in the sequence given, then the program exits. This is the mechanism used to implementxfs_check(8). ...
UNIX命令xfs_growfsxfs_growfs(8) xfs_growfs(8) NAME xfs_growfs, xfs_info − expand an XFS filesystem SYNOPSIS xfs_growfs [ −dilnrxV ] [ −D size ] [ −e rtextsize ] [ −L size ] [ −m maxpct ] [ −t mtab ] [ −R size ] mount-point xfs_info [ −t ...