Visa By signing in, you can also check your balance, see your billing history and sign up for automatic payments and paperless billing. Learn about other ways to pay. Questions about your bill? Click here! Make a one-time payment online Credit and debit card payments and bank account deduct...
Pay with your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit card or debit card, with Apple Pay, or with your bank account. All-In-One Bill Pay with doxo. All-in-one bill pay to over 100,000 billers Pay for free with Linked Bank Account. Fees may apply for other payment methods Manage all ...
Does Xfinity Mobile Have Contracts or Penalties? No. There are no contracts with Xfinity Mobile. You can leave at any time, if you’re not happy, without penalty or early termination fee. However, you may have to pay off the remaining balance on your phone and plans (which seems fair)....