localhost:~# rc-update add dbus * service dbus added to runlevel default 使用显示管理器(图形登录)启动xfce且添加其系统启动时自启动。 localhost:~# rc-service lightdm start * /run/lightdm: creating directory * /run/lightdm: correcting owner * Starting Display Manager ... [ ok ] 上面的rc-ser...
GSESSION="$(type -p xfce4-session)" 原因分析: 从/var/log/xrdp-sesman.log的日志中可以看出 /usr/libexec/xrdp/startwm-bash.sh,而这个文件加载了上面2个重要文件.因此方法1,自己在上面文件里加入XFCE的选项,方法2直接把gnome的替换为xfce,记得备份文件. Starting the default window manager on display 11...
显示图形化登录对话框的软件通常称为显示管理器。 要查找正在使用的显示管理器,请检查/etc/X11/default-display/manager (或/etc/X11/default-display-manager)或检查哪个包提供x-display-manager虚拟包: 代码语言:javascript 复制 dpkg-query -W -f='Package: ${Package}\nProvides: ${Provides}\n' | grep -...
# rc-update add xdm default We aren't quite finished yet. We have to pick a display manager and set theappropriate variable. Though there are a few choices available in Portage, forthis guide, we'll stick with SLiM, theSimple Login Manager.slim is speedy and lightweight, with minimal ...
(X server 是用于管理图形化界面的服务器端程序),但是如果当前系统中安装了多个显示管理器包,就需要选择一个默认的显示管理器(Only one display manage can manage a given X server, but multiple display manager packages are installed. Please select which display manager should run by default.),这里我选择...
org.xfce.settings.default-applications.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/org.xfce.settings.display.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/org.xfce.settings.editor.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/org.xfce.settings.keyboard.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/org...
-h, --help; -V, --version; --disable-server; --color-table; --preferences; --default-display=display; --default-working-directory=directory Window or Tab Separators --tab; --window Tab Options -x, --execute; -e, --command=command; -T, --title=title; --dynamic-title-mode=mode;...
display power management settings are part of this xfce4-power-manager package. After installing this, I was able to adjust the timeouts. It seems to me that (1) maybe screen blank settings should be installed as part of a default xfce4 install, and/or (2) if the screen blank ...
Default Packages: NetworkManager-gnome Terminal gdm leafpad openssh-askpass orage polkit-gnome thunar-archive-plugin thunar-volman tumbler xfce4-appfinder xfce4-icon-theme xfce4-mixer xfce4-power-manager xfce4-session-engines xfwm4-theme-nodoka ...
- display-settings: Listen to output change for minimal dialog too - display-settings: Avoid weird interact between main and minimal dialogs - xfsettingsd: Use default display profile when several profiles match - Revert "Add new CI builds to build without X11 and Wayland" - Apply .clang-fo...