xfce4 有两个地方设置快捷键:Keyboard -> application shortcuts 和 window manager -> keyboard. window manager的设置中能够设置显示桌面和窗口调整。 xfce4 有个bug,要在window manager中设置super与其它快捷键的组合,需要在keyboard的快捷键中删除或修改xfce4-popup-wiskermenu的快键键。 有个麻烦就是显示菜单不...
To shortcut some special docker-compose commands, you can execute the scriptpart_02/omd-nagios/deploy_omd.sh(ensures that containers will be removed and started from scratch) After the successful startup of the OMD we can now open the OMD Demo page and see two servicesexample_xfce_centos_ch...
Create Termux (new session) shortcut. -right click termux shortcut & drag its icon to your desktop. Setup Instructions Installation: with one command: ☕️ Code: curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phoenixbyrd/Termux_XFCE/main/setup.sh -...
Here we excluded some Xfce default shortcuts, but you can exclude firefox.desktop or any other application. The <Layout> tag defines the layout of the menu. The applications can be organized in folders or however we wish. For more details see the Xfce wiki....
I know that Xfce users are known out there as “the guys who doesn’t care much about how the desktop looks like”… well, that not 100% true. I...
LM Xfce 19.3 Desktop Icons problem—-> the appearance of some file icons (relevant pictures of files) are not stable; particularly any png, pdf, jpeg file extensions icon pictures on Desktop sometimes do not properly show up, instead all of file pictures are replaced with only one type gener...
The clipboard manager now has improved keyboard shortcut support (through a port to GtkApplication), improved and more consistent icon sizing as well as a new application icon. The pulseaudio panel plugin received MPRIS2 support to be able to remotely control media players and desktop-wide multime...
It is advised to bind this to a shortcut in the keyboard preferences. --geometry=geometry Sets the geometry of the last-specified window to geometry. Read X(7) for more information on how to specify window geometries. --role=role Sets the window role of the last-specified window to role...
Small thing about the Xfce goodies project, goodies are in short terms Xfce panel plugins, the taskbar plugin (with which you can get the KDE/Win kinda of a taskbar), XMMS control plugin, Show/Hide Desktop plugin, system monitor, keyboard layout switcher etc. They are all small plugins tha...
Will start the window in drop-down mode (also called a Quake-style terminal). This will only apply to the first window started with this option. It is advised to bind this to a shortcut in the keyboard preferences. --geometry=geometry ...