Class-leading real-world quantitative sensitivity Highest quality, most comprehensive qualitative information Flexibility to adapt to changing needs Accessible to experts and non-experts alike For information and pricing of the latest Xevo QTof System, please refer to the Xevo G3...
Class-leading real-world quantitative sensitivity Highest quality, most comprehensive qualitative information Flexibility to adapt to changing needs Accessible to experts and non-experts alike For information and pricing of the latest Xevo QTof System, please refer to the Xevo ...
Waters Xevo G2-XS QTof 高分辨质谱仪是一款高性能的四极杆飞行时间(QTof)质谱仪,满足复杂样品的定性和定量分析需求。广泛应用于蛋白质组学、代谢组学、环境监测和食品安全等领域。 产品特点 飞行时间技术:采用先进的飞行时间(TOF)技术,提供 >50,000 FWHM 的分辨率,确保复杂样品中化合...
xevo g2-s qtof以采用了intellistart™技术为特点,它是一种可以自动完成常规任务,保证可重现的uplc/ms数据具有Zui高质量的直观界面。 intellistart可以自动完成以下功能: ms分辨率和校准检查方便设置多种试验预约lc/ms系统检测连续系统监控 如有需求请联系 客服:022-84901967/1689 本产品的加工定制是否,品牌是沃特世...
Waters Xevo G2-S QTof Xevo® G2-S QTof incorporates StepWave™ ion optics for unsurpassed levels of durable sensitivity and proven quantitative time-of-flight (QuanTof™) technology to deliver superior UPLC®-compatible mass resolution, matrix-tolerant dynamic range, quantitative performance, ...
Waters Xevo G2-XS QTof 质谱以其多样化的采集模式,包括MS、MS/MS、MSE、MRM等,脱颖而出。它不仅具备高分辨率、高灵敏度,还能提供高精确质量数,使其成为蛋白质分子检测的理想工具。无论是多肽、单克隆抗体、双特异性抗体,还是融合蛋白、抗体偶联药物等,都能通过该质谱进行深入的分析。它能够定性与相对定量地...
型号:Xevo G2-S QTof品牌:沃特世产地:美国指导价: 40~50万元[美元] 沃特世科技(上海)有限公司Waters 分析测试百科网认证会员,请放心拨打! 获取底价在线客服申请演示索取资料 用户采购价格 年份采购单位总价操作 2024长春中医药大学31*** [人民币]中标详情 ...
Agilent 安捷伦 6550 iFunnel Q-TOF 四极杆-飞行时间液质联用仪 详谈 ¥80.00万 查看详情 AB SCIEX X500R QTOF LCMS 液质联用仪 LC-MS/MS 液相色谱串联质谱仪 ¥120.60万 查看详情 安捷伦 Agilent 8890 GC气相色谱系统 自动化控制 宽应用领域 分析仪器 ¥32.60万 查看详情 思拓凡 Cytiva Biacore 8K 生物分子分...
With quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry featuring QuanTof technology, the Xevo G2-XS QTof MS delivers the highest quality, most comprehensive qualitative information together with the ultimate in quantitative performance.
Xevo® G2-S QTof is designed for scientists who need to identify, quantify and confirm the broadest range of compounds in complex and challenging samples. StepWave™ ion optics provides unsurpassed levels of durable sensitivity ...