This goku mod contains awesome attacks and multiple transformations, ssj1, ssj2 fire, ssj3 fire and SSJ5 Ultra Instinct-Ultra Ego Share Permissions and credits Changelogs Donations This goku mod contains awesome attacks and multiple transformations, ssj1, ssj2 fire, ssj3 fire and SSJ5 Ultr...
Uninstalling a mod (Yes, again) Created by King cobra697 Feb 06 inModding help 5 How can i make the Light Heart Suit Majin Female Top Usable for Saiyan Female?? Thx in adavnced Mods Help, Created by ShadowGoku Jan 28 inModding help ...
Fused Zamasu (Absolute Form) -> This form is unlocked through Rage after being defeated by Vegito (Super Saiyan 5), This Zamasu is the strongest character in ST aside from Jiren and Goku UI SSJ4 Vegito (Super Saiyan 4 / Super Saiyan 5) - Universal Survival Saga: Caulifla (Super Saiyan ...
Goku Black - Super Saiyan Rosé, SSR Kaioken and regular Super Saiyan. Includes a new custom base form moveset. Frieza Cell - Imperfect > Perfect > Super Perfect Cooler - transforms into Final Form Future Trunks - Super Saiyan Rage transformation Goku (GT) - Super Saiyan 4 transformation Mira...
SSJ Goku takes Dark Frieza's Killer Ball attack head on, thus the Future Warrior does not have to protect Gohan and Piccolo like their predecessor did in Xenoverse. Frieza uses Destroy the Planet! but holds back allowing Namek to survive for the time being though the attack was fatal to ...
can you fix the SSJ4 hair? It clips through the body really badly. Report Log in to Reply ryanjerome March 13, 2023 at 9:15 am This is probably a dum question but do i have to use a hair changing version of the transformations? or did i install something wrong Report Log in to...
This goku mod contains awesome attacks and multiple transformations, ssj1, ssj2 fire, ssj3 fire and SSJ5 Ultra Instinct-Ultra Ego The "Fire" transformation is an idea I came up with when I was bored and it gave this, I hope you like it. ...
1 Tailed SS4 Goku Pants with a standard brown tail (Male) [Colorable] 1 Tailed Majin Female Pants with a standard brown tail (Female) [Colorable, Majin Symbol Removed] *These items will technically transform but the color will be basically the same, just brighter and/or more intense such ...
Super Saiyan 5 is a special state of Buu produced when the fusion of Goku and Vegeta occur through the energy and power produced by the spirit bomb. It was said that it killed Cell , although they did not kill him completely, they suppressed all his energy so he wouldn’t be able to...
(Movie 9) Black Goku (Kaio Shin) + SSR Transformer Freezer (Arc Survival of the Universe) + Golden Transfo Mira (Final Shape) Bulma Dende Old Kaio Shin Kaio Shin of Time Oozaru Pack: Baby Vegeta / Bardock / Vegeta / Nappa Goku (Base - SSJ1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - SSG - SSB -...