English Today this here at the request of some and other things I did this mod that is basically the female character Avatar Saiyan "Note" exeptuando obviously to "Viola" and "Forte" is character comes from the game "Dragon Ball Heroes" and "Super Dragon Ball Heroes "and I did a good...
2 Tailed Time Partroller Pants with tails that match hair color in base form (Male & Female) [Colorable] 2 Tailed Time Partroller Pants with standard brown tails in base form (Male & Female) [Colorable] 1 Tailed SS4 Goku Pants with a tail matching hair color in base form (Male) [Col...
Super saiyan To super Saiyan 5 For CAC go to here for the fasha armor https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/alternative-fasha-battle-suit-for-huf-syf/ This Contains Multiple ss4 and ss5 busts to choose all all set up to match the base form outfit colo