The etymology of ''xenophobia'' comes from the Greek xenos meaning ''stranger'' and phobos meaning ''fear.'' As such, many people think of ''xenophobia'' as meaning ''a fear of strangers or foreigners.'' This xenophobia definition is reductive, however. Today, xenophobia is understood as...
The meaning of XENOPHOBIA is fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign. Did you know?
Xenophobia definition: an aversion or hostility to, disdain for, or fear of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers. See examples of XENOPHOBIA used in a sentence.
President Obama gave a speech in which he expressed concern over the use of the termpopulismto describe Donald Trump’s political rhetoric. Obama insisted that this was not an example ofpopulism, but of “nativism or xenophobia.” The
Toward a Definition of Racism for Historical Purposes Somewhere between the view that race is a peculiar modern idea without much historical precedent and the notion that it is simply an extension of the ancient phenomena ofethnocentrismandxenophobiamay lie a working definition that is neither too br...
Xenophobia, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, is “fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners.” This is a classic definition of xenophobia that relates to a psychological state of hostility or fear. However, more recent research has focused on understanding the relationship betwe...
expansionand an attempt by the radical right to appeal to the electorate abroad. Viktor Or-bán’sincreasinglyradicalnationaliststanceshavebeenaimedatethnicHungariansliving outside of Hungary’s borders; the statement of Hungarian illiberalism wasmadeduringaspeechtoethnicHungariansinRomania,forexample(Bozók...