Xenoblade Chronicles 2is available now worldwide for the Nintendo Switch. A life-long and avid gamer,William D'Angelowas first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. ...
Game Name: Xenoblade Chronicles X Game Engine: Monolith Soft Xenoblade Chronicles X Engine (Engine Name Unknown) Game Version: EU 1.0.1E and/or US 1.0.2U Options Required: Funds (Money), Miranium, Experience, Skillpoints, Item and Gear Pointers, Time and Weather, Unlock all Arts except fo...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch Game) first released 1st Dec 2017, developed by Monolith Soft and published by Nintendo.
Save some space - Ahead of the release of Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition next month, Nintendo has supposedly updated the file size of the Switch ...
The debut chapter in Nintendo’s Xenoblade Chronicles series isnow availablefor download via the Wii U eShop, giving players access to a budget-priced rendition of what was once a treasured rarity among collectors. This week also marks the eShop launch ofMini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge,...
On 3 September 2020 a new software update for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 became available for download. Please take a moment to download and install this update while your Nintendo Switch console is connected to the internet. Additional Information: This update must be applied in order to ...
Review: Xenoblade Chronicles X O-D-C|1711d ago |Opinion piece|0| ▼ Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "A massive game that pushed the Wii U console to its limit, this is a title that may always be overshadowed when it comes to the mainline Xenoblade games but deserves recognition nonet...
No official word has come down from Nintendo of America just yet, but an announcement seems to be looming on the horizon. We’ll be sure to update you here when and if that occurs. Quick Edit: It might as well be offical, the link to Xenoblade Chronicles on NOA’s website also...
On 3 September 2020 a new software update for Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country became available for download. Please take a moment to download and install this update while your Nintendo Switch console is connected to the internet. Additional Informat...
Monolith Soft’sXenoblade Chronicles 2continues to receive updates and patches for fixing bugs and adding new features. The next update, v.1.4.0, has been available as of April 27th and brought two new Rare Blades – Poppi Buster and T-elos.Patch noteshave been released for the update, whi...