In Xenoblade Chronicles X, humanity tries to build itself a new home after the destruction of the Earth. They must explore the planet Mira and battle alien creatures, both on foot and in transforming vehicles called Skells. In Xenoblade Chronicles 2, people live on the backs of huge creatur...
"An endless field of green among the clouds, eh? If the legends are true, even people like me..." — Nia Nia (Japanese: ニア, Nia, Niyah) is one of the main playable characters in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She is a Gormotti Driver and is accompanied by her
Paper Mario•Parasite Eve•Phantasy Star•Pokémon•Radiant Historia•Radiata Stories•Robopon•Rogue Galaxy•SaGa•Skies of Arcadia•Star Ocean•Suikoden•Shadowverse•Solo Leveling:ARISE•Tales•The Alliance Alive•Tokyo Xanadu•Valkyria Chronicles•Valkyrie Anatomia•Valkyrie ...
Lao is the secondary antagonist of Xenoblade Chronicles X. He is the leader of the BLADE's military division known as Pathfinder and is secretly a spy for the Ganglion. He was voiced by the late Keiji Fujiwara in the Japanese version, and by Matthew Merc
Yox is an NPC in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Yox is a Phonex who can be found at the Goldmouth Rooftop in the Argentum Trade Guild. Yox can only be spoken to if Nim is in the party with level 2 "Phonex Linguistics".› wiki › Xord Xord | Xenoblade Wiki . How to get Desiree's future? Désirée's Future is a quest in Xenoblade Chronicles. It can be received fromDésirée north of the Commercial District of Colony 9. ...
While it's an inferior proposition to its initial release in 2011, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D remains superior to the majority of RPGs. The move to 3DS has harmed the act of playing, but if you can look past the clunky signage and questionable 3D then you'll find a game that remains an ...
异度3 Xenoblade Chronicles 3 日版中文2.0.0补丁+4DLC链接: 提取码: 7yyx 分享回复赞 switch交流吧 999bj白鲸游戏 switch游戏《异度之刃3 Xenoblade Chronicles 3》中文版详细介绍 《异度神剑》系列最新作《异度神剑3(XenobladeChronicles3)》预定于9月...
Dax is an NPC in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Dax is a Phonex who can be found at the Kloom Farm in the Gormott Province. Dax can only be spoken to if Nim is in the party with level 2 "Phonex Linguistics". This article about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a stub. You can help the Xenob...
For the NPC in Xenoblade Chronicles X, see Matthew (XCX).The future doesn't belong to you!For those who have not completed games in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, this page contains spoilers regarding the plot. Discretion is advised.