Current Xeno Majin Buu (Dark Demon God; Janemba Absorbed) vs. Xeno Lord Slug (Super Namekian), Angila (Brainwashed), Medamatcha (Brainwashed), Wings (Brainwashed) and Zeeun (Brainwashed) vs. Xeno Trunks, Xeno Gohan, Xeno Goten and Xeno Vegito (Super Kaio-ken) vs. Towa (Demon Goddess),...
His fight with Xeno Bardock references their status as the fathers of Vegeta and Goku respectively. Additionally, Xeno Paragus attacks him in revenge due to their past history. During the Dark King Mechikabura Saga, in the game after acquiring Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Bardock called a cease-fire...