How to get the module hash and filename: Don't change the hash of existing patches. If your version of the game is different then the patch(es) need to be ported to that version. Setlog_levelto at least2(default)in the Xenia Canary config; SeeHow to usefor location. ...
How can I help? Xenia's source code is hosted onGitHub, which is a platform where developers can come together on a project, submitting pull requests with code changes. Xenia definitely made the wait for an excellent emulator worth it. With the use of this powerful emulator, you will be ...
the impossible became a reality, with Xenia becoming the first emulator to bring dozens of Xbox 360 games to the desktop. Let’s see how you can use this dead-easy emulator to play Xbox 360 games on your PC.
Dx12 rtv/dsv artifacts on Xenia canary emulator Subscribe More actions Devin2fire Beginner 05-29-2024 02:55 PM 1,677 Views When using dx12 rtv/dsv in Xenia emulator, there are black artifacts all. But if I use dx12 rov no artifacts or if I use vulkan, but dx12 rtv/dsv...
auto profile_manager = emulator_window_->emulator() ->kernel_state() ->xam_state() ->profile_manager(); const auto window_position = ImVec2(GetIO().DisplaySize.x * 0.40f, GetIO().DisplaySize.y * 0.44f); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(window_position, ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::...
How did we get to Xenia’s Canary Build? To those who are unfamiliar with the Xenia Project, it’s an Xbox 360 emulator for the PC that aims to bring Xbox 360 games to the PC that never really made it over to the platform. The Xenia project aims to bring us a gaming experience th...
Dx12 rtv/dsv artifacts on Xenia canary emulator Subscribe More actions Devin2fire Beginner 05-29-2024 02:55 PM 1,598 Views When using dx12 rtv/dsv in Xenia emulator, there are black artifacts all. But if I use dx12 rov no artifacts or if I use vulkan, but dx12 rtv/dsv gives...
If this issue occurs in a specific game, I've done analysis to locate the faulty subsystem of the emulator and a potential reason in it. I've checked if this issue hasn't already been reported. My device meets the minimum requirements:
// use this to make it clearer in the code whether a uint32_t is a handle or not using guest_handle_t = uint32_t; // not normally api visible, but used so we can accurately recreate how the 360 // os allocated handles struct X_HANDLE_TABLE { xe::be<uint32_t> num_handles; ...