[Android] Update the target SDK to 33, NDK, and Gradle Jul 17, 2022 gradle.properties [Android] Studio project enough to invoke NDK-Build Nov 22, 2020 gradlew [Android] Make gradlew executable Nov 2, 2021 gradlew.bat [Android] Studio project enough to invoke NDK-Build Nov 22, 2020 setti...
These builds are latest work in progress and require a github account to download. Mousehook A limited number of games have netplay and mousehook support. Xenia Canary - Xbox 360 Emulator Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. For more information, see the Xenia wiki. Come chat...
Most configuration options usually found in the GUI are instead found in the filexenia.config.toml(xenia-canary.config.toml for canary builds, xenia-canary-netplay.config.toml for canary-netplay builds). The file can be opened and edited with any text editor without having to change the file...
you’ll find its configuration file in a “Xenia” subdirectory. And yet, nothing you tweak there can make an unsupported game work. What you can do, though, is switch between versions. That’s why we suggested you download both the Canary and Master...
canary_experimental.github android assets docs images ppc building.md cpu.md cpu_todo.md gpu.md instruction_tracing.md kernel.md style_guide.md src third_party tools .clang-format .codacy.yaml .drone.star .gdbinit .gitattributes .gitignore .gitmodules LICENSE README.md premake5.lua xb xb....
canary_experimental Triang3l committed Sep 18, 2021 1 parent 347c9f0 commit 26a2d81 Showing 10 changed files with 377 additions and 106 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified .clang-format android/android_studio_project/app/src/main AndroidManifest.xml java/jp/xenia/e...
canary_experimental.github android/android_studio_project app gradle/wrapper .gitignore build.gradle gradle.properties gradlew gradlew.bat settings.gradle assets docs src third_party tools .clang-format .drone.star .gdbinit .gitattributes .gitignore .gitmodules LICENSE README.md premake5.lua xb xb....