FMicrophone.StartCapture;//开始录音FMicrophone.StopCapture;//结束录音MediaPlayer: TMediaPlayer; 媒体播放器 MediaPlayer.FileName 设置路径 MediaPlayer.Play;//开始播放MediaPlayer.Stop;//结束播放获取手机摄像头 Camera: TCameraComponent; Camera.Active := True;//打开Camera.Active := False;//停止Camera....
FMicrophone.StartCapture;//开始录音FMicrophone.StopCapture;//结束录音MediaPlayer: TMediaPlayer; 媒体播放器 MediaPlayer.FileName 设置路径 MediaPlayer.Play;//开始播放MediaPlayer.Stop;//结束播放获取手机摄像头 Camera: TCameraComponent; Camera.Active := True;//打开Camera.Active := False;//停止Camera....
O Windows 10/11 tem Adobe Flash Player? O Adobe Flash Player está ativado por padrão no navegador Microsoft Edge desatualizado no Windows 10. Você pode habilitar a execução de conteúdo Flash neste navegador, pois a Microsoft incluiu suporte para Adobe Flash Player. Porém, o Flash ...
I am trying to devlop a small example where I would use MediaCapture and MediaPlayer classes in universal windows app in order to record and play a short recording. The following call to a constructor... Spring Tool Suite(STS) desktop entry for ubuntu ...
Cassette Player equipment.cassette_player string The cassette player. CD Changer equipment.cd_changer string The CD changer. Cd Player equipment.cd_player string The CD player. Child Safety Door Locks equipment.child_safety_door_locks string The child safety door locks. Chrome Wheels equipment....
equipment.cassette_player string カセット プレーヤーです。 CD チェンジャー equipment.cd_changer string CD チェンジャーです。 CD プレーヤー equipment.cd_player string CD プレーヤーです。 チャイルド セーフティ ドアロック equipment.child_safety_door_locks string チャイル...
Did you suffer from any freezing issues when you ran Windows 10? I have only run it on the Acer. I can confirm from the Steam discussion board for Steamworld Dig 2 that graphics problems are extremely rare. They seem to be more common with Star Wars: Fallen Order but still unusual. I...
*Based on results from internal lab tests for local video playback time conducted by Samsung. Tested with results from a pre-release version of the device using inbox 65W or 45W charger under settings (1080p video playback from video files in the device's local storage, player-videos & TV...
以下在WINDOWS10 + DELPHI XE 10.3 FireDAC +SQL SERVER 2008 下通过: 第一步,创建如下表单: 第二步 拖入以下几个控件: frxDBDataset1.DataSet:=SalesTable; 双击: FrxReport1打开FastReport设计器;如下 在窗口...delphi xe QQ式分类按钮 CategoryPanelGroup1 object Form1: TForm1 Left = 0 Top = 0 Ca...
**Based on results from internal lab tests for local video playback time conducted by Samsung. Tested with results from a pre-release version of the device using inbox 65W charger under settings (1080p video playback from video files stored on the device's local storage, ...