分析任何货币在数天、数周、数月或数年内的汇率走势。通过 XE Currency 数据 API 获取自动货币提要。 了解更多 IBAN 计算器 搜索并验证您的 IBAN(国际银行账号),以避免资金误转。 了解更多 货币电子邮件更新 直接在您的收件箱中获取每日市场分析、汇率和新闻。
XE Currency 数据 API 为全球 300 多家公司提供商业级汇率 全球最值得信赖的货币数据来源 我们的汇率 API 为数百种货币提供实时、准确且可靠的数据。XE 的专有汇率直接来源于金融数据提供商和信誉良好的银行。 了解更多 GEThttps://xecdapi.xe.com/v1/convert_from{"from":USD,"to":{"CAD":1.260046,"CHF"...
Set free rate alerts for any currency pair. We’ll notify you at your desired rate. Learn more Historical currency rates Analyze rate trends for any currency over a few days, weeks, months, or years. Get an automated currency feed through the Xe Currency Data API. ...
With 30+ years of FX and currency experience, our Currency Data API provides real-time, accurate, and reliable currency exchange data for hundreds of worldwide currencies. Our rates are sourced directly from financial data providers and central banks. ...
Set free rate alerts for any currency pair. We’ll notify you at your desired rate. Learn more Historical currency rates Analyze rate trends for any currency over a few days, weeks, months, or years. Get an automated currency feed through the Xe Currency Data API. ...
Set free rate alerts for any currency pair. We’ll notify you at your desired rate. Learn more Historical currency rates Analyze rate trends for any currency over a few days, weeks, months, or years. Get an automated currency feed through the Xe Currency Data API. ...
The world’s trusted currency data API Xe’s currency data API provides real-time, accurate and reliable currency exchange information for 170+ global currencies. Integrate data sourced from over 100 highly reputable financial data providers and central banks. ...
XE Currency Data is a REST API that gives you access to daily or live rates and historic mid-market conversion rates between all of our supported currencies. You will need an api key and secret to use this sdk. Sign up for afree trialor register for afull account. ...
XE Currency Data Client - Python XE.com Inc. is the World's Trusted Currency Authority. This project provides an SDK to interface with our XE Currency Data (XECD) product. XE Currency Data is a REST API that gives you access to daily or live rates and historic mid-market conversion rate...
Xe currency data API Providing commercial grade exchange rates to 300+ companies worldwide The world's most trusted source for currency data Our exchange rate API offers real-time, accurate, and reliable data for hundreds of currencies. Xe's proprietary rates are sourced directly from financial ...