EDR is a solution built with an “assume breach mentality.” It assumes that breaches on endpoints will happen, and helps security teams detect them, investigate them in real time, and rapidly respond to contain and eradicate the threat before it causes damage to the environment. ...
XDR 取代了孤立的安全性,并帮助组织从统一的角度应对网络安全挑战。通过包含来自整个生态系统信息的单一原始数据池,XDR 允许比 EDR 更快、更深入、更有效的攻击检测和响应,从更广泛的来源收集和整理数据。 XDR 为攻击提供更多可见性和背景信息,以前无法处理的事件将会浮出水面,使安全团队能够纠正和减少任何进一步的影...
XDR 取代了孤立的安全性,并帮助组织从统一的角度应对网络安全挑战。通过包含来自整个生态系统信息的单一原始数据池,XDR 允许比 EDR 更快、更深入、更有效的攻击检测和响应,从更广泛的来源收集和整理数据。 XDR 为攻击提供更多可见性和背景信息,以前无法处理的事件将会浮出水面,使安全团队能够纠正和减少任何进一步的影...
XDR 取代了孤立的安全性,并帮助组织从统一的角度应对网络安全挑战。通过包含来自整个生态系统信息的单一原始数据池,XDR 允许比 EDR 更快、更深入、更有效的攻击检测和响应,从更广泛的来源收集和整理数据。 XDR 为攻击提供更多可见性和背景信息,以前无法处理的事件将会浮出水面,使安全团队能够纠正和减少任何进一步的影...
Extended Detection And Response (XDR) FAQs What does XDR mean? Why is XDR required? What is the difference between XDR and EDR? Endpoint Resources Cybersecurity Types of Cyber Attacks IT vs OT Cybersecurity AI Cybersecurity Cyber Threat Intelligence ...
of the features and benefits can be viewed as the same. Thus, it can be confusing. With such confusing beginnings, XDR still sits in a nebulous middle-ground, with some analysts like Gartner describing it one way and Forrester defining it another. So, what is the difference between the ...
Delve into the differences between XDR and EDR:What is EDR vs. XDR? XDR vs. MDR Managed Detection and Response (MDR) is a service external security experts provide, while XDR is a technology solution for threat defense. MDR services manage various implementations of Detection and Response, from...
What is the difference between XDR and EDR? Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) helps you detect and respond to threats on your organization's endpoints. An endpoint is any device that connects to your organization's network including mobile devices, desktop computers, and more. Extended Detecti...
What is the difference between XDR and EDR? XDR extends the capabilities of EDR across all the security layers in the environment— loads, devices, users and networks. Rather than the single point of view that EDR provides, XDR enables telemetry and behavioral analysis across multiple security la...
https://www.sentinelone.com/blog/understanding-the-difference-between-edr-siem-soar-and-xdr/ 翻译正文 网络安全行业充斥着行话、缩写词和首字母缩略词。随着复杂的攻击媒介成倍增加,从终端到网络再到云,许多企业正在面临一种新方法来应对高级攻击:扩展检测和响应,这就产生了另一个首字母缩略词:XDR。尽管 XDR ...