XCT60_Y 汽车起重机 / Truck Crane 技术规格书 Technical specifications 60t 44m 59.8m 目录Contents 目录Contents 尺寸参数 Dimensions 技术规格 Technical specifications 重量/作业速度 Weight / Working speeds 臂架组合方案 Boom / Jib combinations 主臂 Boom 副臂 Jib 符号标识 Description of symbols 注意事项...
XCMG Factory 60 Ton Telescopic Truck Crane Xct60_Y for Sale XCT60_Y Truck crane is widely used for the lifting operations in general engineering projects, such as construction site, urban renewal, communication and transportation, ports, bridge, oilfields and mine, and com...
XCMG Offical Xct60_Y Truck Crane Price for Builiding Industry XCT60_Y Truck crane is widely used for the lifting operations in general engineering projects, such as construction site, urban renewal, communication and transportation, ports, bridge, oilfields and mine, an...
XCMG Brand 60 Ton 44m 5-Section Telescopic Boom Truck Crane Xct60_Y for Sale XCT60_Y Truck crane is widely used for the lifting operations in general engineering projects, such as construction site, urban renewal, communication and transportation, ports, br...
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