这是个关于XCOMWOTC的模组的信息的页面。点击这里来前往关于原版XCOM模组的文章。想要关于奇美拉小队的文章的话就点这里。 由虚幻引擎3版本845.120提供支持 原版XCOM:https://www.reddit.com/r/xcom2mods/wiki/index/vanilla_modding/ 奇美拉小队:https://www.reddit.com/r/xcom2mods/wiki/index/cs_modding/ 1...
XCOM 2生存,适应,胜利! Long War of the Chosen Long War 2是XCOM2的大型半官方MOD合辑,制作方是Pavonis Interactive(前Long War Studio),Long War系列在XCOM社区享有盛誉,此番推出的LW2是与Fraxis、2K合作的重磅MOD,被玩家戏称为“XCOM2.5”,LW2整合了之前Long War系列的各种MOD并进行了大幅优化(Long War...
XCOM 2生存,适应,胜利! Long War of the Chosen Long War 2是XCOM2的大型半官方MOD合辑,制作方是Pavonis Interactive(前Long War Studio),Long War系列在XCOM社区享有盛誉,此番推出的LW2是与Fraxis、2K合作的重磅MOD,被玩家戏称为“XCOM2.5”,LW2整合了之前Long War系列的各种MOD并进行了大幅优化(Long War...
com/X2CommunityCore/X2WOTCCommunityHighlander/wiki/Troubleshooting这是基于XCOM2工坊的热心大佬Dragon32给别人提供的建议,我拿来综合一下自己的内容。比较重要的、容易出现的问题,我把它们贴在下面。 2楼2022-09-02 14:12 收起回复 暗之天际 变异精英 13 XCOM2 MOD troubleshooting 模组故障排除《预防问题》请...
Realistic Colour Correction XCOM 2 Visuals and Graphics Uploaded:20 Mar 2024 Last Update:20 Mar 2024 Author:AdamJensen2029 Uploader:AdamJensen2029 This presset makes more pleasant color correction and realistic. 7KB 3 311 WOTC No Enemy Movement When Revealed (MOD) ...
XCOM 2... gigabytemon, "[XCOM 2] Console Commands", February 7, 2016. https://www.reddit.com/r/Xcom/comments/44ioyc/xcom_2_console_commands Cyber Von Cyberus, "A guide to spawning Aliens with console commands [vanilla / WotC / LW2 included ]", Added Dece
:: Articles related to '''XCOM 2 & XCOM 2: War of the Chosen (WotC)''' are found under [[#Category:XCOM_2|Category:XCOM 2]]. * Consider Categories like ''Indexes'' or ''Filters'' rather than ''Tables of Contents''. This is the 'top-level' category for XCOM game material...
When WotC is available, the "Run XCOM 2" and the "Run Challenge Mode" buttons are now hidden from the menu by default. Can be changed from the settings if desired. Mods are no longer automatically hidden when detected as "Not Installed" on application start. The user is now prompted to...
Tinker Steps:Custom Proton: Proton 8.0-2 Input:Other Had to use Proton 8.0-2 instead of native to get native XBOX Controller Support. Significant Bugs: The New 2K Launcher is Broken in Native Linux. WOTC is still using the Feral Launcher and works fine.. Had to run XCOM2 base game und...