指挥官们,大家好,给..下面是bilibili的视频版,而模组名字是 modern multiplayer modBV1zr421n7uJ顶一下
CHAINSHOT_HIT_MOD=-15 连锁射击命中减益,建议改为-5ORDNANCE_BONUS=1 军械库榴弹数量,不建议修改FreeGrenadeForPocket="FragGrenade" 免费给予火箭类型,有能力的可以改为其他重武器HAILOFBULLETS_COOLDOWN=6 枪林弹雨,其实翻译是冰雹射击,冷却建议改为2BULLETSHRED_COOLDOWN=4 撕裂射击,其实翻译是子弹碎片,冷却...
Multiplayer online (2-2) Xbox One X Enhanced Sammenlign udgaver XCOM® 2 Reinforcement Pack 151,00 kr.30,20 kr. Tilføjelsesprogrammer medfølgerXCOM® 2: Anarchy's ChildrenXCOM® 2: Shen's Last GiftXCOM® 2: Alien HuntersGÅ TIL SPIL XCOM®2 Digital Deluxe Edition 510,...
XCOM 2Firaxis managed to improve upon the already great Enemy Unknown in almost every way, with the exception of multiplayer. Unfortunately, the shockingly bad performance prevents XCOM 2 from reaching the status of a true masterpiece. Pros Enhanced graphics More tactical options than its prede...
The perks have to follow the default layout (1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2), unless you have theEnhanced Perk Tree mod - XCOMEU: 2012installed. In that case you should be able to use a 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2 layout. It's currently not possible to change Rank abbreviations viaTool...
NOTE: a modded game is not to be expected to work in Multiplayer mode, as the use of the mods like the Shell capabilities is actively prohibited by 'phone home' background function. See Steam and mods. SourceInfo below is derived from these threads on the Nexus XCOM Forum: Unlock ...
2 months ago Tinker Steps:Custom Proton: GE-Proton9-20, Set launch options PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %COMMAND% The game works natively, however the Long War Rebalance mod works better when running through proton. I noticed no problems. My game didn't run without the launch flag, but that ...
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator1.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Buffer1..ctor(IEnumerable1 source) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at XCOM2Launcher.XCOM.XCOM2.DetectModDirs() at XCOM2Laun...
Fan Central Current The Plasma Pistol is by far the greatest weakness of the Sectoid Commander. It is extremely weak, only 2-4 damage, though it does not need to reload and the Commander's aim is very high. If one doesn't have (or is saving) psychic abilities, and they wish to deal...
打开游戏目录XCOM 2XComGameConfig中的ini文件,这个是正统的MOD修改文件。DefaultClassData.ini下面复制了“游侠”职业举例,以及如何手动修改不懂的技能英文可以自行搜索[Rookie X2SoldierClassTemplate]新兵属性ClassPoints=1IconImage="img:///UILibrary_Common.class_rookie"AllowedWeapons=(SlotType=eInv...