按StartDebugging,它就是会生成Mod在X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\XCOM2 War of the Chosen SDK\XComGame\Mods并进入测试模式。如果你不想发布Mod到Steam而又想分享给朋友,就把X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\XCOM 2 War ofthe Chosen SDK\XComGame\Mods下的生成的Mod文件夹拷贝出来放到、SteamLibrary...
Locate your XCOM 2 install folder. For example, "D:\XCOM2Modding\XCOM 2\". Go under "D:\XCOM2Modding\XCOM 2\XComGame" (your actual path to the game) and create a folder named "Mods", so the final folder structure looks like "D:\XCOM2Modding\XCOM 2\XComGame\Mods\". Skip...
Re: Xcom 2 War of the Chosen Post by zortbg » Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:07 pm Thanks B0mak, @ everyone: i found the value 8887 for the Resource enumerator script by Csimbi define(CAT_ID_STORAGE,(int)8887) This works on my version XCOM WOTC (steam) version 374751 with No mods i...
要安装,请将下载文件的内容解压缩到<XCOM2 install> \ XComGame \ Mods文件夹。或者如果您更喜欢蒸汽车间, 链接就在这里。 有任何问题请在这里发布,而不是在Steam上。在Steam上,很难跟踪错误,因此它会让我的生活变得更轻松,并且让我不太可能在Steam评论中忘记/完全错过你的问题。
I followed the same procedure to manually install mods which worked with Xcom2. Please post to GOG forum if you figure out anything. Other than this the game is fine. I got stuck in the first boss mission because the difficulty jumped a lot, so I hoped to use some mods to help. I...
=== Nexus Mod Manager === Nexus Mod manager (NMM) is a very easy way to automate the installation of XCOM 2 mods and lets you keep track of all installed mods. # Download and install Nexus Mod Manager. If you already have it installed, make sure you have the latest version. When ...
When WotC is available, the "Run XCOM 2" and the "Run Challenge Mode" buttons are now hidden from the menu by default. Can be changed from the settings if desired. Mods are no longer automatically hidden when detected as "Not Installed" on application start. The user is now prompted to...
1) Download and install XCOM 2 and the War of the Chosen expansion. 2) Go to XCOM 2 -> XCom2-WarOfTheChosen -> XComGame and add a new folder there. Call it "Mods". 3) Download the mods you wish to use (e.g. via Steam Workshop Downloader or Nexus) and put their folders...
The trick is getting the mods to work. XCom without mods just isn't the same, so I would say it's worth the tinkering. Proton Experimental Distro:Garuda Linux Kernel:6.5.9-zen2-1-zen RAM:64 GB GPU Driver:NVIDIA 535.113.01 GPU:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 CPU:AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-...
Hey, when you install mods, where do you create the folder "mod" ? on XCOM 2 game or XCOM2 war of the chosen? XannahDeux member 27 kudos 17 May 2020, 10:20PM So.. Are these tweaks optional/adjustable out of the box?I like my animations and a few other things I see wer...