Xcodeis an application development software package that you can use to develop awesome iOS apps onWindows 10. Xcode is an IDE that offers a complete set of tools using which developers can design applications for iPhone, iPad, iWatch, Apple TV and Mac.Xcode has been updated and latest versi...
如果想在Windows 10上运行Xcode,可以现在Windows 10上安装虚拟机,在虚拟机中安装Mac OS,在通过虚拟系统安装运行Xcode。
首先,在“开始”菜单中输入cmd,然后右击选择管理员身份运行,这样就打开了一个命令提示符窗口。 然后...
windows10查看Xcode代码 今天我在尝试用windows系统查看Xcode代码时,我发现了一个很好的软件,虽然不能像Xcode一样打开文件,但是可以逐个文件访问,类似于txt文本格式。我是用的win10系统。 获取步骤 1.上应用商店去下载软件:文本阅读器。 2.会获取到如下样式: 捕获.PNG 3.下载好程序。 效果展示:...
How to Develop iOS Apps on a Windows Computer? Virtual Machine Cloud Cross-Platform Development 1. VirtualBox 2. VMWare 3. Hackintosh 4. MacStadium 5. MacInCloud 6. Xamarin 7. Flutter 8. ReactNative What Is the Best Way To Run Xcode And Develop iOS Apps on Windows 10 and 11?
Hello, I am new here and would like to develop ios apps on my windows 10 device is there anyway to install xcode on windows 10? Can apple please make xcode available on windows 10 so we can develop and submit thru windows 10 too please?? (Everyone please submit a bug request so ...
Enter theXcodeand click on Free and Download button in the Apple app store link. Then, press OK button and start XCode download for Windows 10 directly. So, this makes you wait for few minutes until the download process completes.
不好意思 windows系统装不了 xcode 只有mac 系统才能装xcode
xcode是一款运行在Mac OS X上的集成开发工具,具有统一的用户界面设计,且编码、测试、调试都在一个简单的窗口内完成,还能够与Swift编程语言相结合,使开发应用程序比以往更轻松,更有趣,便有许多用户也想要进行了解和尝试一下,然而苹果电脑价格昂贵,并不是每一个人都可以承受的,为此小编带来了xcode windows版,通过虚拟...