真机调试经常出现这个报错:Xcode will continue when iPhone is finished 一般情况下,clean一下重新编译调试,或者手机重启一下,就能正常调试。 如果还是不行,就打开命令行terminal,输入: 然后输入密码进行下一步操作,就能正常真机调试。
Xcode will continue when “iPhone名称” is finished. 第一次使用或者iPhone升级后都会出现这个问题,解决办法: 1拔掉电源,重新插 2重启iPhone XCode: An unknown error occurred. 到An unknown error occurred.这样的错误。 Se* th* instal* lo* fo* mor* detai*s.)的话。那么极有可能的情况就是你的机器内...
Xcode will continue when QSHKJ's iphone is finished. 重启真机,再重启一下xcode。
Xcode will continue when iPhone6 is finished Processing symbol files 真机运行时,经常会出现上面的错误,但是项目的配置、证书、设备什么的都没问题啊。 其实从 Xcode 上面的进度信息也可以看到, Xcode 正在处理符号文件。 Xcode 每次连接新设备后,都会进行这步操作,只有第一次连接会这样,之后就不会了。所以我们要...
iPhone6 is busy: Processing symbol files Xcode will continue when iPhone6 is finished Processing symbol files 真机运行时,经常会出现上面的错误,但是项目的配置、证书、设备什么的都没问题啊。 其实从 Xcode 上面的进度信息也可以看到, Xcode 正在处理符号文件。 Xcode 每次连接新设备后,都会进行这步操作...
10. iPhone is busy:Processing symbols files Xcode will continue when iPhone is finished. 屏幕快照 2017-07-04 上午10.36.32.png 原因:Xcode正在处理符号文件,Xcode每次第一次连接真机新设备会进行这步操作。 解决:不需要解决,只要等待Xcode处理结束。
My guess is the crypto is out of what between the two Mac OS versions. The dialog above will also bounce to this after a few seconds and then bounce back: "Xcode will continue when the operation completes." Anyone gotten a work around with Xcode 15 on Ventura 13.6? Thanks! 2 comments...
Error: Guido’s iPhone is busy: Preparing the watch for development via Guido’s iPhone. Xcode will continue when Guido’s iPhone is finished. (code -10) yevgeniaronov commented Dec 19, 2021 Run flutter doctor and see what it reports regarding devices. Also, try to run flutter devices....
In devices and simulators, the iPhone 15 and Watch 10 device show up as disconnected (with the globe icon I think is what it is?) and if I click on either of them, that icon changes to a spinner, and the main window says "Xcode will continue when the operation completes", but it ...