方法/步骤 1 遇到警告Use of undeclared identifier ‘p’ ...就是说这里有无法识别的p。2 可以直接找到这个p值。p下面有一个_,说明就是该处出错。3 要是该p值不用的话就直接删掉,若是需要用的话就直接申明好了,很有可能申明的时候出错,往上面的代码找一下。4 这里就是直接删掉p这个值,因为该值以后...
第一:(1)你没有声明属性就使用,报错是必然的;(2)chechStatus方法后面没写花括号;第二:你没有在drawline函数内的报错那行代码中的context后面加个逗号",",那报错也是必然的;解决方案:第一:(1)@baiproperty(nonatiomic,strong) Reachability* reachabilityManager;(2)- (void) chechSt...
更新Xcode6.0.1之后,编译出现Use of undeclared identifier 'GL_BGRA_EXT'问题及解决方案 今天升级Xcode6.0.1之后,编译Unity3d项目出现了这个奇怪的问题: 研究了下,发现‘GL_BGRA_EXT’这个定义是在OpenGLES/ES2/glext.h这个文件中的。 做了个小修改,将 #include <OpenGLES/ES2/gl.h> 改成了 #include <Open...
如果你遇到use of undeclared identifier 'UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal',你需要先执行一下:e @import UIKit。 然后点击继续运行,这样的话,再点击 confirm 按钮,就有一个翻转的效果了,这还像点样。
自己各方面都检查了,文件是否参与编译,删除文件再次添加到项目,反正最后都不好使,当然也不是上面这个问题,最后找到问题了。 原因如下: image.png image.png 上一个同事添加了这个构建设置,合代码我可能给合掉了,哈哈,我的锅,我的锅~~~真的是看了很久才看出来问题,不过今天又学到了,哈哈。
To access the property inside your class, you should call forself.propertyName, in your case it would beself.myTextfield. This will access the gererated get method of the property. You can always, of course if you are inside the class, skip the get method and access the variable directly...
#import "Orientation.h" @implementation AppDelegate (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window { return [Orientation getOrientation]; } System: OS: macO...
'std::is_arithmetic' has different definitions in different modules; definition in module 'std_private_type_traits_is_arithmetic' is here Use of undeclared identifier 'LLONG_MAX' Developer Tools & ServicesXcodeXcode 1 0 147 3w Xcode 16 beta 5 MainActor errors in a Swift 6 project while work...
use of the new CNAuthorizationStatusLimited status but is built using XCode 15. However, building with XCode 15 results in a "Use of undeclared identifier 'CNAuthorizationStatusLimited' error. If the code were making use of a new API, I could workaround using a selector for example, however...
initializer for virtual base class %0 of abstract class %1 will never be used -Waddress-of-array-temporary pointer is initialized by a temporary array, which will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression -Warc-maybe-repeated-use-of-weak "weak %select{variable|property|implicit property...