用两部iphone4测试,一部是ios5另外一部是ios6,一开始,两部机器都运行不了xcode,一直提示的错误是:“Choose a destination with a supported architecture in order to run on this device.” 这么不着边际的错误,我上网去搜索,发现大部分人说的是,build setting里面的product name没有设置正确,可是我的name设置...
然后连真机尝试运行,这时候会提示 Previouspreparation error:Failedto find aDDIthat can be used to enableDDIservices on the device.Usuallythismeans the bestDDIwe could findfora platform did not have compatibleCoreDevicecontent.Run'devicectl list preferredDDI'fromthe command line togetmore details on wh...
Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError Code: 3 Failure Reason: The connection was invalidated. User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-01-05 20:56:13 +0000"; IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDEInstallCoreDeviceWorker; "com.apple.dt.DVTCoreDevice.operationName" = enablePersonalizedDDI; } -...
Compile your source files and assemble an app bundle to run on a device or simulator. Xcode updates Learn about important changes to Xcode. Xcode IDE Projects and workspaces Manage the code and resources you use to build apps, libraries, and other software for Apple platforms. ...
on a simulator for www.local.mydomain.com Run my app on the simulator The WKWebView loads successfully In Safari on my Mac, I can select the WKWebView and open dev tools to inspect it If the simulator is on iOS 17, this works fine, no issues. But if the simulator is on iOS 18...
Open the project and clean the build folder Close Xcode completely Clear derived data Empty mac bin Start Xcode and clean build folder again Build succeeded without any error and able to run on device. Sidenote: I have to repeat these steps every day. 0 Copy stef1991 answer Serkan...
(6)Run (7)Devices & Destination 9.运行调试 (1)Console (2)Breakpoint (3)Debug (4)Watch (5)lldb调试命令 (6)启用NSZombieEnabled调试EXC_BAD_ACCESS 先不先进的不知道,但是真的是使用起来不是很舒服,但是你却离不开它,除非你不上苹果商店,不做性能调试和异常排查。
On-Device Hang Detection Xcode Reports Organizer 因此我们将结合本次更新的内容,简单探讨下在 App 不同开发阶段应如何利用好这些工具帮助我们更快定位和解决卡顿问题,不断提升我们 App 的性能体验。 Thread Performance Checker 首先是开发阶段,当我们在使用 Xcode 进行真机调试时,可以在 Edit Scheme -> Run -> ...
在beta测试阶段可以使用测试机的 On-Device Hang Detection 在APP发布时期,Xcode Orgainer 新增了hangs 数据项目,可以查看线上APP hangs数据, 在不同时期应用挂起检测 1.APP开发调试阶段 开启Thread Performance Checke功能 在Edit schema -> Run -> Diagnostics 选项中开启 Thread Performance Checker ...
To test or run applications on an Apple device, all you need is a free Apple ID. To submit your apps to the App Store you must be a member of the Apple Developer Program. Some features may require Internet access and may not be available for all regions or on all Apple devices. ...