所以,谢谢,但是我并不想在 iPad 上运行Xcode。原文链接:https://rhonabwy.com/2021/04/24/why-i-dont-want-xcode-on-the-ipad-macos-and-ipados/ 声明:本文由CSDN翻译,转载请注明来源。
不过 iPad 对编程的支持,却始终差强人意。之前一直盛传的 iPad 版 Xcode 也还没个影,而 Swift Playground 也只是个小工具而已。不过,我们这边给大家安利一款开源的 iPad 应用,可以称得上是目前 iPad 上最强的 IDE:「Code App」。 Code App 是 MIT 许可的桌面级代码编辑器,适用于 iPadOS,内置了 Node.js、Pyth...
Download Xcode yah you could download Xcode on iPads go to the developer apple and go to downloads and click Xcode and download and after the download you should go to this site called installonair.com you should scroll down and then you will see upload then you click on it then they w...
Xcode offers all the tools you need to craft great apps for iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Apple Vision Pro, and Mac. It enables a unified workflow that s…
Xcode and the Mac OS add up to 15-20GB of storage on disk. There's also the limited amount of RAM that an app can use on an iPad. How exactly would you run Xcode, Instruments and a Simulator all at the same time? And all on a small screen, anybody recall the complaints from ...
I had a user report my app was freezing at the launch screen on his iPad Pro but working on all other devices -- an iPhone 6 plus and an iPad Mini all runnning iOS 9.2. I've had no crash reports from this release and can also see other iPad devices running the app fine, so I ...
The simulator definitely does exist. I have also opened theapp.xcworkspacefile in Xcode and set the Targeted Device Families to iPad. How can I get this app running on my iPad simulator? Note: I have been able to run other react native applications on my iPad simulator that have worked fi...
方法/步骤 1 启动Xcode软件,菜单栏选择Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme 2 弹出下图所示对话框,左侧导航点击Run, 右侧窗口点击Arguments 3 然后在Arguments Passed On Launch标签下,点击下图红色箭头指示的加号图标 4 点击完成之后,加号上面就会出现一个编辑框,输入命令行参数,这里输入参数5 5 完成上面的设置...
xcode saying "paused app on ipad" and "Thread 1: breakpoint 1.1 (1)" so my code is: import UIKit class CanvasView: UIView { let originX: CGFloat = 150 let originY: CGFloat = 300 let squareSide: CGFloat = 100 var rubiksCubeDelegate: RubiksCubeDelegate? = nil...
所以,谢谢,但是我并不想在 iPad 上运行Xcode。 原文链接:https://rhonabwy.com/2021/04/24/why-i-dont-want-xcode-on-the-ipad-macos-and-ipados/ 声明:本文由CSDN翻译,转载请注明来源。 60+专家,13个技术领域,CSDN 《IT 人才成长路线图》重磅来袭!