“Include all app icon assets,” controls whether Xcode includes all app icon sets in the built product. When the setting is disabled, Xcode includes the primary app icon, along with the icons specified in the new setting, “Alternate
Include all app icon assets 在 Xcode 的对应 buildSettings 的名字是 ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_INCLUDE_ALL_APPICON_ASSETS ,而 Alternate App Icon Sets 对应的字段是 ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_ALTERNATE_APPICON_NAMES 。还有一个设置 App 主图标的字段 Primary App Icon Set Name 对应是 ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON...
“Include all app icon assets,” controls whether Xcode includes all app icon sets in the built product. When the setting is disabled, Xcode includes the primary app icon, along with the icons specified in the new setting, “Alternate app icon sets....
设置图标文件:在Xcode的项目导航器中,找到“Assets.xcassets”文件夹,点击打开“AppIcon.appiconset”。在这里,你可以看到各个尺寸的图标位置。将刚刚添加的图标文件拖拽到相应的位置。 清理并重建项目:在修改了图标文件后,建议清理并重建你的项目,以确保新的图标能够正确显示。你可以通过点击Xcode的“Product”菜单,选...
到Assets新增对应的Icons image.png 选择你的target,到Build Settings,搜索Asset Catalog Compiler,配置对应的AppIcon image.png 配置好AppIcon后,继续配置对应的宏。还是在Build Settings(选择all),搜索Swift Compiler,添加好你所需要的。 image.png 在使用了pod的项目中,配置好多环境后,需要重新pod install一下,才能...
首先创建一个新的项目 设置应用图标步骤如下: 1点击Assets.xcassets,点击AppIcon可以看到如下场景:(注:下面对应着应用图标的大小,根据需要的大小全部适配.) 2:导入应用的图标到项目中,然后根据大小拖动图片到对应的位置,如下图: 3:运行程序,然后command+shift+h回到首页就可以看到应用图标设置成功. ...
Cross-Platform Development Tools:Consider using cross-platform development tools and frameworks that allow you to build apps for multiple platforms, including iOS, from a Windows PC. Examples of such devices include: Flutter:A UI toolkit by Google for building natively compiled mobile, web, and des...
Assets.xcassets中的 AppIcon 增加为 3 种,分别为Any Appearance、Dark与Tinted。 选中代码,通过Ctrl + M可以进行多行格式化。 项目构建失败时的错误信息更加明确。 更好的并行、更好的诊断与更快的调试。 iOS 18 适配指南 同样在 WWDC24 上 Apple 发布了 iOS 18,推出了很多新的内容。在掌握了基于 iOS 17 ...
Icon to my assets folder, and 1024x1024 is already included and compiles fine with it. However, when I add the 1024x768 icon, and try to run the app, I get the error: "Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code" The app icon's filename is correct, it is exactly...
Work with assets About Asset catalogs Add an App Store icon Use an asset catalog for a launch screen (iPhone) Create trait-based asset variations (iOS, tvOS, watchOS) Provide dark appearances (macOS) Add AR images and objects Create texture atlases About SceneKit scene editor Preview 3D scenes...