Xcode项目编译到一半,突然报framework not found app错误。 大概率cocoapods版本过旧,更新cocoapods即可。 1、sudo gem update --system 2、sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods 3、pod repo update (这一步会比较久) 最后你的项目重新pod update或pod install,重新编译运行,即可。
Framework not found IOSurface for architecture arm64 或者 Framework not found FileProvider for architecture x86_64/arm64. 原因 IOSurface.framework和 FileProvider.framework是 iOS11 新增加的库,但 Xcode8下没有这个库。打包静态库的时候,有一个Link Frameworks Automatically设置,默认为YES,会自动链接框架。所以...
Error (Xcode): Framework not found FMDB Error (Xcode): Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Error launching application on my iPhone11. Code sample my Podfile looks like this: Code sample platform:ios,'16.0'$iOSVersion='16.0'#CocoaPodsanalytics sends network st...
安装第三方框架并关联后仍然提示报错 这是因为框架放的位置不正确,应该要放到ios 文件夹内
Framework not found FileProvider for architecture x86_64/arm64. 原因 IOSurface.framework和 FileProvider.framework是 iOS11 新增加的库,但 Xcode8下没有这个库。打包静态库的时候,有一个Link Frameworks Automatically设置,默认为YES,会自动链接框架。所以Xcode 9打包的静态库时,在Xcode 8项目编译时候会提示找不到...
因为我们新的项目使用CocoaPods组件化,所以最后打SDK的项目是CocoaPods集成的,问题就出在这里!上一个文章说到解决方法很简单:(Xcode8报错:"Framework not found IOSurface for architecture arm64"或者 "Framework not found FileProvider for architecture x86_64/arm64". | iHTCboy's blog) ...
ld: framework not found Pods clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 或 No such module 'XXX'(图略) 错误原因: 安装了pod之后没有用.workspace打开项目 解决方法: 在程序坞右击Xcode->退出,找到项目文件夹,双击xxx.workspace文件打开项目: ...
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - Error (Xcode): Framework not found FMDB · flutter/flutter@e016ac3
Error (Xcode): Framework not found Pods_Runner pod install executes without an error: Pod installation complete! There are 2 dependencies from the Podfile and 2 total pods installed. I tried the fixes in this question but they didn't help. Here's the full error message: Error output fro...
With xcode 12 first time build fails for working project with previously installed cocoapods framework:ld: framework not found Pods_CopticFindclang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)So, what changed from xcode 11.7 to 12?Tried running: pod deintegratepod...