xcodebuild -project "UtilLib.xcodeproj" -configuration "Debug" -target "UtilLib" -sdk "iphoneos5.0" -arch "armv6 armv7" build RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER=NO $(BUILD_DIR)="${BUILD_DIR}" BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_ROOT}" iphonesimulator5.0下的编译脚本: xcodebuild -project "UtilLib.xcodeproj" -...
In iTunes Connect, you enter the bundle ID to identify your app. After your first version is available on the store, you can’t change your bundle ID or delete the associated explicit App ID. 在iTunes Connect中,你输入bundle ID来识别你的应用程序。 当你的应用程序在应用商店上线了之后,你不...
可针对Xcode工程代码文件(*.h/*.hh/*.c/*.cc/*.m/*.mm)设置默认打开程序为Sublime Text.app:右键Get Info(command+I),Open With选择Sublime Text.app并且Change All。然后,Xcode|Open with External Editor将在Sublime Text打开选中文件。 <2>另外,可下载安装OpenInSublimeText插件,支持呼叫SublimeText打开Xcod...
2.选择模拟器 Write the code ,change the world!
Setting the minimum deployment target to iOS 12.0 would 100% still support Xcode 13. Just without making this change, no one who has Alamofire as a dependency can publish an update podspec when using the current Xcode version - 14.3.
@sbarber2 Did you find that setting the "deployment-target" preference did update the IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET setting in CordovaLib.xcodeproj? For me, setting that preference doesn't seem to change the CordovaLib target. 👍 3 Member dpogue commented Nov 15, 2023 setting that preference...
When I manually change the version string in the project file, I obviously run into build issues:"The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 13.3, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 8.0 to 13.2.99." Details: - Xcode 11.3 (11C29) - macOS Catalin...
Example pods that were set to iOS Deployment Target 8.0: leveldb-library, nanopb. You will receive this error for any pods that are set to 8.0 when building, so change them to 11.0 either manually or with a post install script in your Podfile. 5 Copy jokalk answer Mohammed...
With Xcode 8 GM, this error will occur if you include 16-bit or P3 assets in an app submission targeting iOS releases earlier then iOS 9.3. If your app requires wide color functionality you must change your Deployment Target to iOS 9.3 or later. If your app does not require wide color ...