legacy build system (传统构建系统) 打开工程 File > Project Settings进入工程设置即可可视化配置当前的Build System,但是配置是针对workspace所有target生效
The Legacy Build System will be removed in a future release. You can configure the selected build system and this deprecation message in File > Workspace Settings. 解决方法: Xcode工具栏 ---> File ---> Workspace Settings ---> Build System: 将Legacy Build System 改为 New Build System,点击D...
legacy build system (传统构建系统) 打开工程 File > Project Settings进入工程设置即可可视化配置当前的Build System,但是配置是针对workspace所有target生效
二、pods执行脚本assets.car重复 这种错误一般出现在自己的私有库中,且库是静态库(动态库不会有这个问题),podspec文件中使用resources管理资源文件,未使用resource_bundles,就会导致在New Build System下报错“Multiple commands produce”。因为pods在执行脚本过程中,会将xcassets打包成assets.car,库中有xcassets文件,主工...
问题:The Legacy Build System will be removed in a future release. You can configure the selected build system and this deprecation message in File >
Xcode 10 之New Build System & Legacy Build System 旧版构建系统 2019-12-20 10:50 − Xcode10 的Workspace Settings中Build System默认使用了新的构建模式:New Build System(Default),另一个可选项是:Legacy Build System,即:旧版构建系统。 * 使用Xcode编译时,如果出现编译失败的问题,建议选择Lega... ...
The COPY_RESOURCES_FROM_STATIC_FRAMEWORKS build setting, previously used in the legacy build system to extract and copy the resources from a static framework to the target bundle, no longer has any effect with the new build system as the entire framework is copied instead This also appears to...
previously used in the legacy build system to extract and copy the resources from a static framework to the target bundle, no longer has any effect with the new build system as the entire framework is copied instead This also appears to be the case when inspecting the files on disk as the...
Switching to the legacy build system fixed the issue for me Share Improve this answer Follow answered May 16, 2019 at 20:09 Charlton Provatas 2,2642828 silver badges1818 bronze badges Add a comment 3 In my case, I was clean build folder then restart my mac then it's...
XCode10 采用New Build System遇到的坑 XCode10默认采用新的构建模式【New Build System】,但旧项目从传统构建模式【Legacy Build System】转换成新的构建模式,会遇到很多编译失败的问题,网上大部分解决方法,都是建议你调回到传统构建模式 处理方法 【Per-configuration Build Products Path】改成默认的【$(BUILD_DIR)...