Good Stomach, Good Digestion, Good Health Complete Formula Digestive Enzymes DigeZyme® DigeZyme® is known as Digestive Enzymes with a unique multi-enzyme complex consisting of amylase, protease, lipase, cellulase, and lactase. These enzymes work together to break down carbohydrates, proteins, fa...
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Asta Beau White uses a perfect combination of ingredients to give the skin an effective whitening effect. “Protect your skin” It’s the only you’ve got to maintain your beauty way. Whitening is vitally important to women because fair skin is always one up. Fair perfect skin is every ...
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More Than 19 Years of Experience Xcel World Trade Sdn Bhd was founded in 2005 to market multiple series of quality healthcare and skincare products both locally and overseas. Upholding the founder’s original philosophy, Xcel World Trade Sdn Bhd was founded in 2005 to market multiple series of...
秉承着创办人最初的事业理念与坚持,Xcel World Trade Sdn Bhd于2005年正式成立为一家专业批发与分销多系列高品质保健与美容产品于本地和海外市场。 独特的全方位保健及美容理念,来自4大关键生命元素,全面达致最佳保健成效:均衡营养、增加氧气摄取量、排除毒素和健康调理及治疗;Xcel全方位美容理念则专注于人体从头到足...