通常我使用以下方式在所有整个存储库中搜索文件: $ sudo aptinstallapt-file$ sudo apt-fileupdate$ apt-filesearchxcb/xcb_icccm.h libxcb-icccm4-dev: /usr/include/xcb/xcb_icccm.h Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud)
Hey all, Been trying to install napari on every piece of metal I could find but errors jut creep up during build. I ran conda create -n napari-env python=3.7 conda activate napari-env pip install[all] machine is a linux Google Cloud Jupy...
xcb_surface(xcb_connection_t*, xcb_pixmap_t, xcb_visualtype_t*, int, int)’: /home/roy/vcs/polybar/include/cairo/surface.hpp:65:57: error: ‘cairo_xcb_surface_create’ was not declared in this scope : surface(cairo_xcb_surface_create(c, p, v, w, h)) {} ^ /home/roy/vcs/...
}else{ #ifdef USE_XCB_ICCCMxcb_get_text_property_reply_tnameprop;if(xcb_get_wm_name_reply (dpy, cookies->get_wm_name, &nameprop, &err)) {/* can't use strcmp, since nameprop.name is not null terminated */if(strncmp(nameprop.name, name, nameprop.name_len) ==0) { w = window...
foreach(constxcb_window_t& win, windows ) {xcb_icccm_get_wm_class_reply_twmNameR;xcb_get_property_cookie_twmClassC = xcb_icccm_get_wm_class( dpy, win );if( xcb_icccm_get_wm_class_reply( dpy, wmClassC, &wmNameR,NULL) ) {if( !qstrcmp( wmNameR.class_name, windowClass.toStdStri...
linux c++ 通过xcb库获取屏幕大小 #include <stdio.h> #include <xcb/xcb.h> /** clang++ main....
If you want to compile mcwm under Debian-derived GNU/Linux systems you will need these packages and their dependencies: libxcb1-dev, libxcb-atom1-dev, libxcb-keysyms1-dev, libxcb-icccm1-dev, libxcb-randr0-dev. Other system are likely to have similar requirements. Screenshot Children mc...
xcb-icccm xcb-ewmh xcb-xrm (this one is quite new) If your system doesn't provide the above, or lacks some of them, you can download themhere. Note:xcb-xrmis not oficial yet,here's the linkto the repo. Archlinux and Voidlinux have it in their repositories as xcb-util-xrm. ...
* Not currently ICCCM compliant as MULTIPLE target is unsupported. Also * not compliant because we're not supplying a proper TIMESTAMP value. */staticboolx11_transmit_selection(clipboard_c *cb,xcb_selection_request_event_t*e){/* Default location to store data if none specified */if(e->prop...