Hi@StonedMagicianXto confirm which client (Steam, EA app, Xbox, etc) do you own the game on? Also when you have a moment can we try the following? Check for controller driver updates Try switching from wired to wireless (or vice versa) Repair/Verifyyour game based on which client...
蓝牙Xbox Wir..如题,手柄是机械师的G5 PRO,蓝牙突然就显示驱动错误了,之前用的都挺好除了有时候断联没法连接,但那应该是电量不够的原因,这一次是突然驱动错误了,怎么修也修不好,最后是看的b的一个教程修好的,打开设
I have an Xbox wireless controller (link to exact controller versionhere), and I can't get the game to recognize anything other than keyboard & mouse as a controller. None of the solutions I found in this thread are working for me: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Dragon-A...
Xbox 360 无线控制器的电池电力不足,或者 Xbox 360 充电电池组需要充电。 另一种无线设备(如微波炉、无绳手机或无线路由器)导致干扰。 四个控制器已连接到主机。 位于主机和无线控制器之间的金属物体导致了干扰。其中包括铬钢面板或金属分隔物、架子或娱乐中心柜子上的门。 注意所有授权的 Xbox 360 主机面板都测试...
https://tarantulo.lt/how-to/how-to-install-drivers-for-xbox-360-chinese-wireless-receiver/ dcyxxt 默默无闻 1 Greetings. This tutorial is for people with the latest windows builds that broke non-original Xbox 360 controller driver support. This guide only requires you to download official ...
Wait a few seconds, and then press and hold the Xbox button again to turn the controller back on. My controller isn’t connecting Expand all Connecting to a PC Connecting to an Xbox console My controller won’t turn on Expand all Controller won’t power on Additional ...
CapsizedXbox wireless controller not working(3 posts)(3 posts) (3 posts) Pages: 1 This is my favourite topic Pejorative Posted December 24, 2012 Hello, I'm trying to play Capsized coop, but the game only detects/recognizes the (hard)corded 360 controller, while the wireless 360 controller ...
1: Update Xbox 360 controller driver manually Note: Please make sure that your Xbox 360 controller is not plugged in. 1) If you have installed Xbox 360 Accessories, pleaseuninstallit fromControl Panel. 2) On your keyboard, pressWindows keyandXat the same time, then chooseDevice Manager. ...
Step 1:From the controller, press the “wireless connect button” until you see the Xbox button flashing on the controller. Step 2: On the controller, press the “wireless connect button” until it stays on. Do you know you canconnect the Xbox to a PC With HDMI?