如果已注册了设备,请登录到设备服务页,以查看该设备的保修状态。处于保修期的设备享受免费维修服务。超过保修期的设备需要缴纳维修费。 登录 如果尚未注册设备,请按以下步骤操作: 注册或注销 Xbox 设备 全部展开 设备保修、延期服务计划以及条款和条件 已过保修期服务费用 提交服务订单请求 包装和发运设备 跟踪你...
如果您已註冊裝置,請登入 [裝置服務] 以查看裝置的保固狀態。如果是在保固期內,可獲得免費維修服務。如果裝置過了保固期,則須支付維修費用。 登入 如果您尚未註冊裝置,請按照下列步驟操作: 註冊或取消註冊您的 Xbox 裝置 全部展開 裝置的保固、延伸服務方案和條款及條件 超出保固期限之服務費用 送出服務訂單要求...
游戏 Xbox 游戏 选购所有 PC 游戏 专属优化游戏 向下兼容游戏 兑换代码 产品系列 主机 Xbox 主机家族 Xbox Series X Xbox Series S 查看所有主机 寻找附近零售商 Xbox 配件 Xbox 配件 控制器和遥控器 耳机和通讯 硬盘和充电器 社区 社区 Xbox 可持续性 为了一切玩家 我...
3. How to Get Warranty Service (a) Before starting the Warranty process, please use the trouble-shooting tips at http://www.xbox.com/ en-US (United States) or http://www.xbox.com/en-CA (Canada). (b) If the troubleshooting tips do not resolve Your problem, then follow the online ...
Xbox Game Pass 單一超低月費就能無限遊玩超過 100 款高品質遊戲 全世界最強大的 遊戲主機 超越其他遊戲主機40%效能 沉浸於令人震撼的4K遊戲畫面中 認識XBOX Xbox One S 最超值的遊戲和娛樂 認識XOBX ONE S > Xbox Game Pass 沉浸在包含超過 100 款高品質主機遊戲和電腦遊戲的龐大遊戲庫中 ...
Register your Microsoft device for quicker access to technical support and to easily check the status of your warranty. You can also: enable access to phone or chat support, request hardware service, check the status of a service request or cancel a service request. ...
https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/hardware-network/warranty-service/getting-your-product-serviced Similar items you might like Based on what customers bought Xbox Series S, 512GB SSD, All Digital Gaming Console, Robot White Best seller ...
7. Warranty Exclusions To the extent permitted by your local law, Microsoft is not responsible, and this Warranty does not apply (and Microsoft may not offer service even for a fee) to: (a) a Microsoft Product not purchased from Microsoft or an authorized retailer or r...
This Protection Plan is classified as a service contract per local regulations. This information is provided for summary purposes only. Terms and conditions apply; visit ourTerms and Conditionsto review the Microsoft Complete service contract. Coverage is provided by Northcoast Warranty Services, Inc....
This Protection Plan is classified as a service contract per local regulations. This information is provided for summary purposes only. Terms and conditions apply; visit ourTerms and Conditionsto review the Microsoft Complete service contract. Coverage is provided by Northcoast Warranty Services, Inc....