曾经为微软制作独占大作《量子破碎》的Remedy工作室的最新作品《控制》8月27日正式解锁。可是进日Reddit上玩家们却对其进行了大量抵制,原因是Xbox版《控制》比PS4版内容少太多 。 今年年初,《控制》发行商505就和索尼关于游戏在PS4上独占内容的事产生了争执,但是《控制》的PS4数字豪华版还是会包含独家季票、皮肤、...
游戏会一直卡在主菜单,手柄输入完全没有反应。Reddit也有一些玩家反映了PGP版本存在类似问题,不过似乎Steam版的游戏没有这个问题。 有趣的是,游戏可以识别PS4手柄,甚至连PS4手柄的扬声器在游戏中也能正常工作。PS5精英手柄也能顺利识别。 记者对此吐槽称:这真的很奇怪,作为Xbox品牌的第一方作品之一,《忍者龙剑传2 ...
No, you don’t need both Steam and DS4Windows to use the DualSense on PC. They’re just different ways to get your controller to work with PC games based on what you prefer. Steam Configuration: Steam’s built-in support for controllers, including DualSense, is useful if you already use...
在《星空》预告之后,PlayStation的粉丝们在社交媒体上惊人地宣布他们打算拿起Xbox来玩Bethesda的科幻RPG史诗。 这个Reddit帖子的标题基本上定下了基调:“我已经成为PlayStation的势利小人9年了。《星空》预告正在改变这一点。”正如帖子作者所解释的那样:“Xbox的独家产品来了又去,我从来没有打算买一台Xbox。但现在,我...
在Reddit的Xbox Series X版块上,一些PS5的粉丝终于承认,一个Xbox系列是“杰作”。 一位PlayStation的粉丝透露,他们最近买了一台Xbox Series X,终于有时间去玩玩《战争机器》,这是一款从Xbox 360开始的系列游戏,据这名PlayStation的粉丝和评论区的其他人说,这是一部“杰作”。
The biggest new feature in the Xbox Series X’s new controller is the share button- finally, right? The Xbox One was clearly lacking in this one area, an omission that was made that much more glaring thanks to the DualShock 4’s share button, but the Xbox Series X is finally catching...
EA表示PS4和Xbox One首发游戏的品质比前代更好 EA的总裁Andrew Wilson最近表示他相信公司的次世代主机首发游戏的品质要比PS3和Xbox 360上高。然而,目前《战地4》一直在所有平台都收到技术问题的影响,而《NBA Live 14》的反馈也很糟糕。在Suisse年度技术展会上,他解释说PS4和Xbox One简化了的结构让游戏品质更高成...
The other differences between the two consoles are well known at this point, such as the controller design -- the PS4 clearly has the edge here -- and the available games. The biggest, like Grand Theft Auto 5, Metal Gear Solid V, and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, are usually cross...
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PlayStation: The Share button on the DualSense controller enables quick sharing of screenshots and videos. Integration with Twitch and YouTube facilitates streaming, making it easy for players to share their gaming experiences and connect with the gaming community. Community Engagement Initiatives: Xbox...